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Official Twitter account of the World Health Organization, the United Nations' health agency

Geneva, Switzerland
Đã tham gia tháng 4 năm 2008
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    The 71st World Health Assembly will take place on 21–26 May at . We have an ambitious agenda. Join the conversation→

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  2. ICYMI: Here’s the moment when and runners get to the finish line 🏁 🏃🏽‍♀️ 🏃🏽 Thanks for walking the talk with us. The challenge will be back next year! Now it’s time for the

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  3. WHO and partners are working to ring vaccinate high-risk populations in -affected areas in . Ring vaccination is very different from regular mass immunization campaigns and much more targeted. explains

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  4. As of 18 May, 46 cases reported in , including 26 deaths: 21 confirmed 21 probable 4 suspected Nearly 600 contacts traced.

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  5. 👇Dr Shin Young-soo WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific & WHO Director-General walked the talk in Geneva🇨🇭today! 🌍health leaders have gathered for 71st World Health Assembly. They kicked off with a challenge🏃🏾‍♂️🏃🏽‍♀️🚶🏻‍♂️

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  6. Regional Director Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh and at the ‘Walk the Talk’ this morning- leading by example.

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  7. today in Brazzaville ፡ Thank you all for walking the talk with us and supporting the challenge.

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  8. Hoy participamos en la caminata , organizada por la OMS en Ginebra 🇨🇭y nuestro stand estuvo muy visitado. En estas imagines se aprecia a Ministra de 🇪🇨 y Carlos Morinigo 🇵🇾 momentos antes de arrancar.

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  9. In , the Ministry of Health, & partners will use the ring vaccination method to protect affected communities.

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  10. We made it! We walked the talk and had a fantastic challenge. I want to thank all participants for supporting physical activity. I also want to thank to everyone who contributed to the organization of the event. Bring on !

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  11. ⚡️ “Walk the talk: the challenge” ⚡️ Here's our collection

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  12. Walk the talk: the challenge is on! We thank all participants for walking the talk with us. Keep tweeting your photos, we will curate a selection 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃‍♂️🚶🏿‍♂️🚶🏽‍♀️💃🕺🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♂️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏾‍♂️

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  13. The World 2018 report is now available 📊 Less than half the people in the world today get all of the essential health services they need

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  14. Let's Walk the Talk together for a healthier world. Celebrate 70th birthday and join the challenge on 20 May!

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  15. No matter where you are in the world, you can join the movement this weekend and “Walk the Talk” by showing what you are doing to promote a healthy life.

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  16. Join in on the eve of the 71st World Health Assembly on May 20. Anywhere in the world, you can join the movement by showing what you are doing to promote a healthy life. Let's move on May 20 and beyond!

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  17. WHO Director-General calls for all countries to take action to help end the suffering caused by

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  18. Thank you for supporting the response, . With your contribution WHO and partners will continue operations on the ground to stop the outbreak in . Merci pour votre soutien, Ministre 🇨🇦

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  19. Let's Walk the Talk together for a healthier world. Be part of the challenge on 20 May!

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  20. 19 thg 5

    Dr. Ahmed Al-Mandhari, from , nominated today as Regional Director.

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