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United Nations
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UN Free & Equal 12h
Being an ally is not something you are, it’s something you do. Learn more about how you can for your family members, friends, colleagues and neighbors:
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United Nations 4h
The potential of artificial intelligence to help achieve the is the focus of Thursday's World Telecommunication & Information Society Day. Follow for updates & see:
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United Nations 7h
LGBTI RIGHTS = HUMAN RIGHTS On Thursday's Int'l Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia and every day, support fair treatment of lesbian, gay, bi, trans & intersex people:
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United Nations 10h
Thursday's World Telecommunication & Information Society Day highlights how artificial intelligence can be used positively for everyone. Get info here:
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OCHA Syria 23h
People in have suffered far too long. See what displaced people from want this
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United Nations 13h
Human rights are for everyone – no matter who you are or whom you love. Thursday is Int'l Day against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia
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World Health Organization (WHO) May 16
A first batch of 4000 vaccine doses just arrived to Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Additional doses should be deployed in the coming days to . There are ongoing preparations to start the ring vaccination as soon as possible.
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United Nations 15h
Peace and compassion are the focus of Muslims around the world during this month of Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak to all celebrating!
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UN Humanitarian May 14
Right now in . Every person, everywhere, deserves to live in dignity.
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António Guterres 20h
I thank the European Union for its commitment to multilateralism and vital support to the United Nations. It was a pleasure to be in Brussels today discussing ways in which we can further strengthen our partnership.
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Science. Culture. Art. Education. Sustainable Development Make a difference now with the International Day of Light! Find out how you can participate in an event near you 🎆 👉
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United Nations 20h
"True peace requires building bridges, combating discrimination & standing up for the human rights of all the world's people." -- . Info on Wednesday's Int'l Day of Living Together in Peace:
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António Guterres 21h
Created following the devastation of the Second World War, the European Union is an example of successful regional peacebuilding. Today in Brussels I thanked for the bloc’s vital support to the United Nations.
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UN Human Rights 22h
The task of learning to live together, in equality and justice, is humanity's oldest & most essential challenge. United in differences & diversity, we can all build a sustainable world of peace, solidarity & harmony.
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OPCW May 16
The Fact-Finding Mission confirms that chlorine was likely used as a chemical weapon on 4 February 2018 in , Idlib Governorate, . Learn more and read the report:
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United Nations 24h
Find out how 's support & training for smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe helps one man see new opportunities ⬇️
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European Commission 🇪🇺 24h
Our longstanding partnership with the United Nations, covering all pillars of activity is stronger and more articulated than ever. and
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UNFPA May 13
As we mark the 50th anniversary of as a human right, our Executive Director calls on us to "work together to give every woman her choice, so over her body and her life":
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United Nations May 16
On Wednesday's Int'l Day of Living Together in Peace & every day, help us promote peace, tolerance, inclusion, understanding & solidarity around the 🌍.
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United Nations May 15
50M metric tonnes of e-waste = 125,000 jumbo jets ✈️ That's how much e-waste is produced each year. Find out what you can do about it from :
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