Matthew Wiggins found guilty of murder of bikie Darko Janceski

Matthew Wiggins found guilty of murder of bikie Darko Janceski

A man has been found guilty of murdering a Comancheros bikie gang member who was gunned down outside his family's Wollongong home in 2012.

Matthew Wiggins has been found guilty of the murder of Darko Janceski.

Matthew Wiggins has been found guilty of the murder of Darko Janceski.

Photo: Fairfax Media

Matthew Paul Wiggins, 29, had pleaded not guilty in the NSW Supreme Court to murdering Darko Janceski, 32, and causing grievous bodily harm to his father, Slobodan Janceski.

A jury was discharged in December after failing to reach verdicts but on Wednesday a second jury found him guilty of both charges and the case was adjourned to June 28.

Darko Janceski.

Darko Janceski.

Photo: Supplied

Earlier in 2017, a first trial was aborted for legal reasons.


Darko Janceski was working on a car when he was shot three times by a motorcyclist wearing a balaclava in April 2012.

Darko Janceski's father Slobodan Janceski

Darko Janceski's father Slobodan Janceski

Photo: Fairfax Media

His father ran outside to help and picked up a metal garden stake while racing after the assailant.

But the former professional boxer suffered a broken nose, a shattered jaw and a fractured eye socket in an ensuing fight before the assailant fled - leaving his gun behind.

The father also knocked off the shooter's helmet and sunglasses and both items were later linked to Wiggins through DNA testing, the jury was told.

The prosecution contended Wiggins carried out the execution to avenge his missing friend, Goran Nikolovski.

The friend, along with Darko Janceski, were allegedly standover men for people involved in the drug trade.

Justice Megan Latham adjourned the case to June 28 for a sentence hearing.


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