Topic | Space | The Age


Scott Kelly, the twin who went to space and returned just a brother

Scott Kelly, the twin who went to space and returned just a brother

The astronaut spent a year on board the ISS and has come back genetically different, scientists have discovered.

  • by Sarah Knapton


Amazon CEO Bezos to spend his fortune on space travel as mum joins in
Jeff Bezos

Amazon CEO Bezos to spend his fortune on space travel as mum joins in

Jeff Bezos wants to make space travel as dynamic and entrepreneurial as the internet.

  • by Amanda Gordon & Tom Metcalf
New images snapped by probe orbiting Jupiter reveal cluster cyclones

New images snapped by probe orbiting Jupiter reveal cluster cyclones

From its perch, flitting high above Jupiter’s cloudtops, the tiny spacecraft Juno has given us an extraordinary new view of the innards of the Solar System’s giant.

  • by Liam Mannix
In major discovery, silhouette from the time of the first stars found

In major discovery, silhouette from the time of the first stars found

Astronomers working in outback WA have found signals from the earliest stars in the universe.

  • by Liam Mannix
Milky Waves: Skimming stars stirred ripples across face of our galaxy

Milky Waves: Skimming stars stirred ripples across face of our galaxy

Viewed over billions of years, our galaxy is like a churning ocean, the surface of the disc constantly warped by waves that crash and break.

  • by Liam Mannix
Trump wants to turn space into the next free-market paradise
North America

Trump wants to turn space into the next free-market paradise

America’s regulations for off-planet activity were written in the 1980s. They’re about to be remade, with a capitalist bent.

  • by Justin Bachman
Aussie rocket brothers ink NASA deal as local space agency wait continues

Aussie rocket brothers ink NASA deal as local space agency wait continues

Gold Coast's Gilmour Space Technologies has big plans for its nano satellites, but they're unlikely to be launched from Australia.

  • by Ben Grubb
World will be shocked by new space race

World will be shocked by new space race

Start-ups not superpowers are leading the charge to explore, exploit and expand into space.

  • by Alan Duffy
UFO culture: State Library of Queensland collects its own X-Files

UFO culture: State Library of Queensland collects its own X-Files

Queensland is an epicentre for all things alien, according to its oldest UFO association.

  • by Anna Levy