검색 결과
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  2. 13시간 전

    Really useful discussion yesterday at the AMR Café in Oxford about the opportunities for rapid antimicrobial susceptibility tests. Reinforces the need for diagnostic developers to meet with experts in the clinical field .

  3. 11월 29일

    What are the costs of the crisis? 💰, ☠️! Check out the facts in our seventh infographic!

  4. 11월 29일
  5. 11월 29일

    What are the dangers of misusing antibiotics? of course! Check out the facts in our eighth infographic! Please RT!

  6. 11월 29일
  7. 11월 29일

    Investing in the development and improved access to vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics can help us combat . Participants in the are stepping up to slow down AR. How will you lead?

  8. 11월 29일

    Our fourth infographic addresses safe handling of food. DYK that bacteria can reside in meats and vegetables if not properly taken care of?

  9. 11월 29일

    Antibiotics don't work against viral infections! Love how this third infographic communicates this fact about proper use of antibiotics and prevention of .

  10. 11월 29일

    Our second infographic addresses C. diff infections. DYK many of these infections are due to antibiotic use?

  11. 11월 29일

    Here we go! Our first infographic addresses relating to mothers and newborns. DYK 200,000 newborns die each year from infections that don't respond to available drugs?

  12. 11월 29일

    Uninvited guest at the ? Antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The Enterobacter strains found aren't pathogenic to humans, but the fact that there were any strains at all could have worrying implications: via

  13. 11월 28일

    Interested in estimating how big the problem of really is and how much we should invest in control measures? Come and investigate the health and economic burden of using a studentship with us!

  14. 11월 27일

    continues to be a major threat to the public’s health. Everyone can take steps to ensure that these life-saving drugs are available for future generations.

  15. 11월 27일

    Today is and we wanted to give back to our community. We decided to run an outreach session at a local school to teach children about how easily germs spread and the importance of hand-washing

  16. 11월 26일

    Antibiotic resistance is one of the most urgent global health threats. Everyone has a role to play in improving antibiotic use to help fight . image via

  17. 11월 25일

    🐶You wouldn’t leave halfway the care and health of your pets. Their treatment with antibiotics either. ⚠️Remember: always follow your healthcare professional advice on how to use them.

  18. 11월 24일

    🎈Would you leave a birthday party halfway? You shouldn’t do it with antibiotics either. ⚠️Remember: always follow the advice of your health professional.

  19. 11월 20일

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