Archive for November, 2014
The Asian Development Model and Mining Reforms in Indonesia
Posted by John, November 30th, 2014 - under Asian Development Model, Indonesia, Mining.
Comments: 1
The aim of this paper is to give readers an introduction to the Asian Development Model and use that to examine mining reforms in Indonesia. The paper argues that there is an Asian Development Model and that the Indonesian mining reforms, in particular the requirement over time for 51 percent Indonesian ownership and the ban on the export of unprocessed resources, represent an attempt by the Indonesian state to speed up industrialisation in the country and spread more of the benefits from mining to ordinary citizens in the recently democratised and politically decentralised country. In attempting to show strength however, the Indonesian state is exposing some weakness. The impact on jobs, revenue and production has been adverse although Foreign Direct Investment has increased. This latter may be because it is foreign multinational mining companies who are better placed than local mining enterprises to build smelters. The success of industrialising mining might be at the expense of local capital. In other words state intervention does not always produce all of the desired outcomes. It is not a panacea.
Deaths at work: from cricket pitches to building sites
Posted by John, November 30th, 2014 - under ABCC, CFMEU, Cricket, Deaths at work, Grocon, Phillip Hughes.
Comments: 7
Why the difference in the treatment of the death of Phillip Hughes and that of building workers? In a word, profit. Safety on building sites threatens the bosses’ profit. Cricket on the other hand, as a business, reinforces the profit system, and makes its protagonists well known and loved. Let’s fight for a world in which everyone is safe at work. That means at its most basic more power to our unions, not less.
Black deaths in custody: Australia’s many Fergusons
Posted by John, November 29th, 2014 - under Black deaths in custody, Deaths in custody, Ferguson, Racism, Red flag.
Comments: none
This cartoon will appear in the next issue of Red Flag. It captures perfectly the racist system that polices and kills Aboriginal people in custody in Australia.
Put a socialist into the Senate?
Posted by John, November 28th, 2014 - under ALP, Australian Labor Party, Kate Lundy, Labor Left, Labor Party, Socialist.
Comments: 5
Maybe it is time for a socialist to not just be building or supporting these progressive campaigns but to stand for the Senate in the ACT against the sell-out that is Labor.
The real looting
Posted by John, November 28th, 2014 - under Ferguson, Wall Street.
Comments: 4
Ferguson: justice denied yet again in America
Posted by John, November 26th, 2014 - under Black America, Ferguson, Racism, United States.
Comments: 7
DARREN WILSON has gotten away with murder – and the American injustice system sent the message once again that Black lives don’t matter, write Nicole Colson and Alan Maass in Socialist Worker US.
My 24 November interview with Sharon Firebace on Razor Sharp
Posted by John, November 25th, 2014 - under Uncategorized.
Comments: none
This is the link to my 30 minute interview with Sharon Firebrace on Razor Sharp on 24 November about the Victrorian elections, Abbott’s rotten policies, Grocon, safety and the CFMEU, creeping repression, fascism, the malaise in Australian politics and much more.
Are the 400 job cuts at the ABC inevitable?
Posted by John, November 24th, 2014 - under Australian Broadcasting Commission, Community and Public Sector Union, CPSU, Fighting back, MEAA, Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance, Resistance, Strikes.
Comments: 6
In not defending jobs at the ABC, the leadership of the two main unions, the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance and the Community and Public Sector Union, have so far shown all the fighting spirit of wet lettuce leaves. Only staff organising independently of the leadership of the unions to strike until the government withdraws its cuts can win.
State capitalism and the fall of the Berlin Wall
Posted by John, November 23rd, 2014 - under Berlin Wall, Revolution, Stalinism.
Comments: 1
Here is a snippet from a good article in Solidarity in Australia about the fall of the Berlin Wall. It describes the Stalinist regimes as state capitalist. I would urge those interested in understanding how ‘socialism’ could be overthrown by the very workers it supposedly ruled for to read this. I would especially urge members of Socialist Alternative in Australia to read it to help re-discover their hidden history and analysis.
Australia’s media – more sit-com than satire
Posted by John, November 22nd, 2014 - under Abbott, Climate change, G20, Obama, The Australian.
Comments: 2
Thank heaven for The Australian.