Archive for June 24th, 2014
Tell the Americans to pressure Egypt to release Peter Greste and his colleagues
Posted by John, June 24th, 2014 - under Abbott, Egypt, Obama, US imperialism.
Comments: 20
If Abbott and Bishop really want Peter Greste freed, then it is time to play dirty. Threaten Pine Gap and the US base in Darwin if Obama doesn’t get the Egyptians to release Peter Greste and his colleagues. The task for the Egyptian people, again, is to overthrow the tyranny and this time defeat reaction. Only a working class socialist revolution can do that.
Jailing protesters – where I have heard that before?
Posted by John, June 24th, 2014 - under Criminalising dissent, Free speech, Jail, Peter Greste, Protests.
Comments: 1
The Tasmanian ‘Liberal’ Government has introduced legislation that will see those who protest against logging ‘and other production sites’ jailed for their second ‘offence’.
Jailing protesters? Now where I have heard about that happening recently?
In Egypt they jail protesters and journalists. In Australia, journalists could be next.