Meghan Markle's dad has disobeyed the first rule of weddings

Meghan Markle's dad has disobeyed the first rule of weddings

Oh Thomas Markle, what are we going to do with you? His daughter is scarcely a week away from the most intense moment of her life, and he's out there, making it approximately one thousand times more adrenalised than it needs to be.

Thomas Markle with baby Meghan Markle, circa 1981.

Thomas Markle with baby Meghan Markle, circa 1981.

Photo: Instagram/Meghan Markle

As if suffering a heart-attack and then checking himself out of hospital last week wasn't stressful enough for everyone, it has emerged that 73-year-old Thomas Markle – with the aid of Meghan's half-sister, Samantha Markle – has arranged "candid" photoshoots over the past few months with a paparazzi agency. The paps were called in to photograph Mr Markle in various staged poses, including: leafing through a guide to Britain, looking up Meghan and Prince Harry online (in a library of all places), and being fitted for a suit for the wedding.

The mood was all very National Lampoon's European Vacation, until, of course, he was caught.

Samantha Markle, 53 – who is working on a book titled The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister – maintained the shoot was not motivated by money, but rather a desire to have her dad portrayed in a more positive light. And look, we'd love to believe that, it's just that three small facts stand in our way.

First, Thomas Markle filed for bankruptcy recently. Second, Samantha claims she helped raise Meghan, which is a tough call, considering they didn't grow up in the same house. And third, well, to be frank: those photos don't exactly scream "Influencer at London Fashion Week".

The cover of the Mail on Sunday showing Thomas Markle, Meagan Markle's father, being fitted for a suit.

The cover of the Mail on Sunday showing Thomas Markle, Meagan Markle's father, being fitted for a suit.

Photo: Supplied/MoS

Thomas then 'fessed up to celebrity gossip website TMZ, admitting that the photos were “stupid and hammy”, and he could've stopped there. It was already awkward, but in a sort of sad, John C. Reilly way.

It was the royal equivalent of when your dad pops his head into your physics class to hand you your lunch. Yes, everyone appreciates the sentiment but... far out, Dad! Couldn't you have left it at the office?

Nevertheless, as of press time Monday we were all ready to put it behind us and focus on much more important world events, like: will Meghan be wearing a tiara?

Alas, Thomas Markle has not really mastered the first rule of weddings: do not make this about you.

In what might be described as a classic case of taking all your toys and going home, Thomas Markle announced he will no longer be attending the royal wedding, as he doesn't want to embarrass Meghan or the royal family.

Can't you just picture it? Poor Meghan has had to call him, beg him, "Please dad, I've just got to get through the next few days – please, no more stunts!"

And Thomas, wounded and defensive, has probably come back with "Well, you know what? There won't be any more stunts because I'm going home!"

"Dad – come on, I just-"

"No, you've made yourself clear. I get it – I'm an embarrassment! You're ashamed of me! I'm sorry I tried to love you! Hopefully I won't suffer another heart attack!"

And then Prince Harry has to gently place his finger on the hook to hang up before dismissing the ladies in waiting so Meghan can bawl her eyes out in peace.

But this, as they say in Suits, is all conjecture. Kensington Palace released a statement asking for “understanding and respect" at this "deeply personal moment for Ms. Markle".

So we shall spend no further time on the topic, except to say that, as Meghan Markle's mother (Doria Ragland, 61) is a yoga instructor and former social worker, we're guessing she'll be the perfect person to turn to at this moment, for wisdom, comfort and core-breathing techniques.

Natalie Reilly

Natalie Reilly is Fairfax Media's Lifestyle Editor and Sun-Herald columnist.

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