Climate change | Climate Change & Global warming News | Brisbane Times


Climate Change

'Glaring inconsistency': National emissions jump may be underestimated

'Glaring inconsistency': National emissions jump may be underestimated

Australia's greenhouse gases rose for a third year in a row in 2017, led by emissions from LNG and transport sectors, according to federal government data.

  • by Peter Hannam


Budget 2018: Funding cuts put Paris climate goal further out of reach

Budget 2018: Funding cuts put Paris climate goal further out of reach

Australia's 2030 Paris climate pledge will be harder to achieve after the Turnbull government ended funding to its "centrepiece" emissions policy.

  • by Peter Hannam
Victorian government furious as Turnbull 'takes credit' for French solar deal

Victorian government furious as Turnbull 'takes credit' for French solar deal

France's Emmanuel Macron and Malcolm Turnbull attended a signing of an MOU on Wednesday, but the French were surprised to learn no one from Melbourne was invited.

  • by Peter Hannam
Phony peace? Challenges to energy plan sent back to modelling board

Phony peace? Challenges to energy plan sent back to modelling board

Somewhere down the track lies possibly Josh Frydenberg's biggest challenge.

  • by Peter Hannam
Ministers have high-powered dinner ahead of COAG energy talks

Ministers have high-powered dinner ahead of COAG energy talks

State and federal energy ministers met ahead of the COAG talks on Friday to 'narrow the differences' over the National Energy Guarantee.

  • by Peter Hannam
Chance to end climate wars: Can the NEG get up?

Chance to end climate wars: Can the NEG get up?

All you need to know about the National Energy Guarantee as state and federal ministers meet to debate its detail.

  • by Peter Hannam & Cole Latimer
Dam fine energy plan: Tapping the nation's water resources for power

Dam fine energy plan: Tapping the nation's water resources for power

Reservoirs other than the Snowy offer largely untapped potential for energy storage and generation, including solar farms, that governments hope to unleash.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Cooked': Study finds Great Barrier Reef transformed by mass bleaching
Extreme weather

'Cooked': Study finds Great Barrier Reef transformed by mass bleaching

Corals in the Great Barrier Reef have a lower tolerance to heat stress than expected, contributing to a permanent change of species mix, researchers found.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Delicate': Energy chiefs warn of risks without advance on energy plan

'Delicate': Energy chiefs warn of risks without advance on energy plan

Buoyant confidence in the electricity sector has seen power prices retreat but remains fickle and hinges on further progress on the government's energy plan.

  • by Peter Hannam & Cole Latimer
Browned off: $90m 'clean coal' program ends as final project collapses
Victorian election

Browned off: $90m 'clean coal' program ends as final project collapses

The last of a long list of government-backed "clean coal" projects has fallen over, with the Treasurer reluctantly confirming the end of a $90 million program.

  • by Royce Millar & Ben Schneiders
Menai bushfire reveals problem we must confront

Menai bushfire reveals problem we must confront

I spent Sunday fighting a big fire right up against the edge of our biggest city. But the real point of the story is that it happened in mid April. We don't plan for major fires halfway through autumn.

  • by Jim Casey