World | Breaking News & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald


What you need to know about Harry and Meghan's royal wedding

What you need to know about Harry and Meghan's royal wedding

Who's going to the big event? Find out all the details in this step-by-step guide to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's nuptials.

  • by Nick Miller

Opinion & Perspectives

Trump set toughest test yet for Europe

President Donald Trump has posed a stark challenge for European leaders by abandoning the Iran nuclear deal: can they make it work without the US?

Andrew Hammond

A toast to the royal couple, from afar, of course

What is the etiquette here, do you still have to buy them a gift if you're invited to stand outside and watch (with a BYO picnic)? I feel like the standard toaster just isn’t going to cut it for these two.

Emma Betty

    Trump’s Iran nuclear decision offers hope for a better deal

    The nuclear deal with Iran is deeply flawed and the US President is right not to support it.

    Colin Rubenstein

      North America

      Oprah Winfrey condemns fake news in commencement speech

      Oprah Winfrey condemns fake news in commencement speech

      Oprah Winfrey is urging 2018 graduates to "be the truth" and "exemplify honesty."

      'Catastrophic': The Australian surfing legend wading into California's shark problem

      'Catastrophic': The Australian surfing legend wading into California's shark problem

      In a phenomenon that is confounding experts, southern California is in the midst of a shark boom after decades of few sightings.

      • by Rachel Olding




      Suicide bombers strike at three churches in Indonesia

      Suicide bombers strike at three churches in Indonesia

      Bombs have killed at least nine people at churches in Indonesia's Surabaya City in East Java.

      • by James Massola
      Myanmar insurgents launch deadly attack as 'casino reprisal'

      Myanmar insurgents launch deadly attack as 'casino reprisal'

      An attack by an insurgent group killed at least 19 people on Saturday in a town in north-eastern Myanmar, on the country's border with China,

      • by Saw Nang

      Also in World

      Trump set toughest  test yet for Europe

      Trump set toughest test yet for Europe

      President Donald Trump has posed a stark challenge for European leaders by abandoning the Iran nuclear deal: can they make it work without the US?

      • by Andrew Hammond

      Popular in World
