Jaina Solo


Jedi Master of the NJO. Husband: | Hey, the universe is the one with the problem. It's just the Solos' job to fix it. || AU | 21+ |

Đã tham gia tháng 2 năm 2016


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  1. Tweet đã ghim
    20 thg 2, 2016

    Be always the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says,"Oh shit! she's up!"

  2. đã Tweet lại
    15 giờ trước

    A Reminder on My Solo that I will be posting up soon. Takes you back to a time after the First Death Star being destroyed. Luke finds himself back in familiar surroundings on Tatooine. However not everything is what it seems. -LS

    , ,7 người khác
  3. đã Tweet lại
    17 giờ trước

    “If you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can't stop you, then you become something else entirely.”

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
  4. đã Tweet lại
    16 thg 12

    4,400 Followers. Truly thank you, Star Wars is filled with the most passionate fans in the Galaxy. These are just a few of the heartwarming messages I have received. Every day I try to improve and be as accurate to Luke as I can. -LS

    , ,7 người khác
  5. đã Tweet lại
    16 thg 12
    , ,7 người khác
  6. đã Tweet lại
    16 thg 12

    I want to say thank you. Words like these truly mean the world to me. I do my best to get Luke as accurate and feedback is always something I appreciate. Thank you all for the incredible Support and May the Force be with you all. -LS

    , ,7 người khác
  7. đã Tweet lại
    16 thg 12

    Once again, whoever comments or post spoilers on my timeline, it’s an instant block. Have respect and think for others, don’t ruin it for everyone else. -LS

    , ,6 người khác
  8. đã Tweet lại
    15 thg 12

    Just to inform people, those who send me Spoilers or comment on my timeline with spoilers will be instantly blocked. I don’t condone that behaviour and do not support it. -LS

    , ,7 người khác
  9. đã Tweet lại
    15 thg 12

    Just to inform people, those who send me Spoilers or comment on my timeline with spoilers will be instantly blocked. I don’t condone that behaviour and do not support it. -LS

    , ,7 người khác
  10. đã Tweet lại
    14 thg 12

      We made it to opening day! Please, please don’t spoil a single plot line! In a perfect world, (despite what we have seen or read) what is your perfect ending for your favorite character?

    , ,7 người khác
  11. đã Tweet lại
    13 thg 12

    The royal bow... Who programmed this adorable cutie?

  12. đã Tweet lại
  13. đã Tweet lại
    14 thg 12

    to every movie up against this weekend.

  14. đã Tweet lại
    13 thg 12

    Since my partner is on hiatus because of the Evil Spoiler Tweeple, I'll finish up the countdown. Which of the characters (movie, book, shows) reminds you of one of your relatives, or would fit right in at a family reunion?

    , ,6 người khác
  15. đã Tweet lại

    RT & follow for the chance to win a pair of Porg Galactic Plushies!

  16. 13 thg 12

    When you promise your uncle that you'll be home for dinner but instead you come home past midnight..

  17. đã Tweet lại
    13 thg 12

    Start with a blank canvas and add your own unique personality, intellect, optimism, and energy. Voila - there's your beautiful self! (Lovely dancer below )

    , ,6 người khác
  18. đã Tweet lại
    13 thg 12

    //all hail supreme leader snorg

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
  19. đã Tweet lại
    12 thg 12

    Hey look , it's your house! It looks delicious since the remodel!

    , ,5 người khác
  20. đã Tweet lại
    12 thg 12
  21. đã Tweet lại
    12 thg 12

    Is anyone else disappointed that they didn't play 'The Imperial March' when the princes showed up at the London Premiere? That was a total missed opportunity.

    , ,5 người khác

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