Conversational Ads

 Note: Conversational Ads are not available by default for self-serve advertisers. To request access, please send a Direct Message to @TwitterAdsHelp.


  • What are Conversational Ads?
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    Conversational Ads are Promoted Tweets with compelling images or videos that include call to action buttons with customizable hashtags.  They prompt users to spread your message to their followers, further expanding your reach.

    Conversational Ads have proven to be an effective way of engaging with customers, and driving them to share your message.

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  • How do I set up a Conversational Ad?
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    1. Log in to and select Create new campaign.  Select either Tweet Engagements for a Conversational Image Ad or Video Views for a Conversational Video Ad.

    2. Under the “create or select creative” section of the campaign form click the “use a conversational card” option, which will allow you to configure your Card.

    3. Fill in the details of the conversational card, including:

      1. The image or video in your Card

      2. The number of hashtags in your Card

      3. The Tweet copy that will be pre-populated in the Tweet when users interact with the Card

      4. A headline (appears above the hashtag) in a one-choice hashtag option

      5. Thank you text (appears after a user has Tweeted your message)

      6. Thank you URL (optional URL to drive a user to after they’ve set up the Card.)

    4. Configure the rest of your campaign options (bidding and targeting) and launch the campaign.

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  • Frequently asked questions
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    What image specifications should I follow?

    Please use the following image specifications:

    • 3 MB max file size

    • 5:2 Aspect Ratio, minimum 800x320px

    • File formats: JPEG, PNG, non-animated GIF

    What video specifications should I follow?

    Video specs are the same as our standard video specifications, outlined in the Promoted Video section of this page.

    What counts as an engagement with the card?

    On mobile and web, tapping on any pixel in the card will count as an engagement.

    What is the engagement type recorded when a user clicks on the hashtag button?

    Any click (anywhere on the Card) is counted as a click in the analytics and Tweet Activity dashboards.


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