

Knight of passion charms and disarms

Glowing spirit: Ferruccio Furlanetto as the lanky, idealistic Quichotte with members of the Opera Australia chorus.

Massenet's Don Quichotte paints a decadent society for whom idealism and noble purpose, however eccentric, are an unwanted and intolerable distraction from pleasure.

Let it snow on Sydney Harbour for Handa Opera

Opera Australia artistic director Lyndon Terracini rides in a garbage can under a balloon canopy over Sydney Harbour as ...

The surprising forecast in the city this evening is for snow. The icy downfall is courtesy of the annual spectacle of Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour, which this year stages Puccini classic La Boheme.

Opera legend cancels after sudden death of husband

Family tragedy: Swedish mezzo-soprano Anne Sofie von Otter.

Legendary mezzo-soprano Anne Sofie von Otter has cancelled three upcoming concerts with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and returned home to Sweden after the sudden death of her husband, Benny Fredriksson, in Sydney.

Nicole Car triumphs with Traviata debut

Nicole Car commanded the stage from the outset.

Nicole Car's debut as Violetta in Elijah Moshinsky's classic 1994 production of La Traviata is a significant rite of passage in her auspicious career trajectory.

Anarchic absurdity makes perfect nonsense

On the whole, it has not been a good day for Kovalov (Martin Winkler), here with the chorus and dancers.

A range of artistic movements in the early 20th century – surrealism, absurdism, Dada - rebelled against the instinct to interpret and find meaning, subverting with nonsensical burlesque the philosopher within us that tries to make sense of life.

Nose runs and laughs follow

Alexander Lewis with dancer Cameron Ball, who plays one of the noses.

Pinocchio… Cyrano de Bergerac… Jimmy Durante … the list of comic noses in popular culture is small but significant.

New York opera director fired for 'inappropriate behaviour'

John Copley in Sydney in 2000.

In the latest jolt to the classical musical world, New York's Metropolitan Opera has fired the veteran British stage director John Copley after receiving a complaint about what the company described as "inappropriate behaviour in the rehearsal room".

Carmen given killer new ending

Italian mezzo soprano Jose Maria Lo Monaco starred in Opera Australia's most recent production of Carmen, on Sydney Harbour.

After more than 140 years of being stabbed to death on stage, the gypsy heroine of the opera Carmen gets her own revenge in a new Italian production – shooting her thwarted lover instead.

Merry Widow is the dancing queen

***EMBARGOED FOR SUNDAY LIFE, NOVEMBER 19/17 ISSUE*** Sunday Life -?What?I?Know?About. Portrait of Australian opera ...

There was a time when an opera singer with acting ability was a rarity – and the idea they might also be able to dance was unheard of.

Opera's coolest soprano

Danielle de Niese: The soprano who loves to dance.

Rather than parachute into an opera production, the Melbourne-born soprano and romantic comedy fan prefers to get into the nuts and bolts of her character.

Grab a blood-stained bargain

Costume party: Sara Kolijn inspects some of the treasures that will go into the sale.

Even with an entire warehouse for a wardrobe, eventually something has to give, which is why Opera Australia will stage the garage sale to end all garage sales this weekend, with more than 2000 wild and wacky outfits for sale.