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The Executive Board

The executive board is governing body of the organisation. For the period 2017-2018, the executive board, elected by the Committee members of TEJO on the 10th of Auguest 2017 during the 73rd IJK in Aneho, Togo, is comprised of:

  • Hoan Tran – Ĝojo (Vietnam) – President (Jan – Aug 2018); prezidanto(ĉe)tejo.org, hoan.tran(ĉe)tejo.org
    • Interest Groups: Education
    • Responsibilities: Relations with ILEI
  • Konstanze Schönfeld – Tuŝka (Germany) – First Vic-President; konstanze(ĉe)tejo.org
    • Commissions: External Relations
    • Interest Groups: Scientific and Specialist Activity, Mobility
    • Responsibilities: Projects
  • Francesco Maurelli (USA) – Second Vice-President; francesco.maurelli(ĉe)tejo.org
    • Commissions: External Relations
    • Responsibilities: Relations with UEA
  • Mung Bui – Feliĉa (Vietnam) – Cashier; kasisto(ĉe)tejo.org, bui.mung(ĉe)tejo.org
    • Commissions: Congresses
    • Responsibilities: Grants
  • Charlotte Scherping (Germany) – General Secretary (Jan – Aug 2018); gxen-sek(ĉe)tejo.org, charlotte.scherping(ĉe)tejo.org
    • Commissions: Activist training, Skills
    • Responsibilities: Equality, Teenager Activity
    • Responsibilities: Relations with UEA
  • Doniben Jimenez Jaramillo (Colombia) – Board Member; doniben.jimenez(ĉe)tejo.org
    • Commissions: Marketing
    • Interest Groups: Culture
    • Responsibilities: Revuo Kontakto and Movement updates, Passport Service

Before January 2018:

  • Enric Baltasar (Catalonia) – ex-President; enric(ĉe)tejo.org; resigned in January 2018
  • Hoan Tran – Ĝojo (Vietnam) – ex-General Secretary; hoan.tran(ĉe)tejo.org; became President in January 2018


The Committee is the decision making body of TEJO. It usually convenes during the International Youth Congress in July/August, and if possible another time during the New Year’s period. Between meetings, the Committee discusses through an online discussion board and it can also vote online and by post.  For the period 2016-2018, the committee members were the following (although it is possible to appoint mew members during this period).

Committee Members (2016—2018) (34):

Committee A (27):

The members of Committee A are the representatives of the national and specialist sections of TEJO.

For the National Associations:

For the Specialist Associations (2):

Committee B:

The members of committee B are directly elected by the individual members of TEJO. Their maximum number depends on the number of individual members of TEJO.

Committee C:

This is a new type of committee member as a representative of the Young Friends of Esperanto.

Committee Ĉ (5):

The committee members A and B can elected committee members Ĉ:

Executive Board (2017—2018) (7):

The members of the executive board are also committee members.

Election Commission

The Election Commission is an organ of TEJO, whose existence and function is described in the Regulations for the Election of the Executive. Its task is to collect candidates por the exectuvie (and also to speak to possible candidates), judge the candidates and present a proposal to the committee for the election of the new executive. The Election Committee works for the same duration as the Executive, so it is elected in uneven years (after the election of the executive) and works until the election of the new Executive (usually two years later). The commission is reachable by email to gro.ojetnull@onoisimok.atkele – so send you candidacy (and proposals) to there.

La aktuala Elekta Komisiono konsistas el:


Vi povas trovi la liston de komisiitoj en la paĝoj pri Komisionoj kaj pri Interesgrupoj, kaj jen la profiloj de la nunaj komisiitoj.


  • Mounir Abijou (Maroko) – Subvencipetisto [plentempe]
  • Fatma Eroğlan (Turkio) – Projektmastrumisto de ECY [kvarontempe]
  • Ariel Giorgio Nikolov (Italio) – Komunikisto [duontempe]
  • Łukasz Żebrowski (Pollando) – Landagadisto kaj projekto AEJK [kvarontempe]
  • Quentin Weber-Seban (Francio) – Eksterrilatisto [duontempe]

Jen la profiloj de niaj oficistoj.


Legu la profilojn de niaj aktualaj kaj pasintaj volontuloj.


  • Rogener Pavinski (Brazilo) – Revuo Kontakto
  • Massimo Ripani (Rusio) – Movada Rubriko

Reprezentantoj de TEJO ĉe aliaj organizaĵoj

Reprezentantoj de aliaj organizaĵoj ĉe TEJO

  • Observantoj de UEA ĉe TEJO: Mark Fettes, Sara Spanò
  • Observanto de ILEI ĉe TEJO: Radojica Petrović

Honoraj titoloj

Fine ni volas agnoski la homojn kiuj ricevis honoran titolon.