David Stassen已認證帳戶


I'm a writer for The Mindy Project but if I were an NBA ref there would be 85% fewer charging calls.


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  1. When you get all swolled up and no one notices...

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  2. Nice coffee

  3. It's the freakin' weekend I'm about to have me some quality father-daughter time.

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  4. I liked Sicario the first time...WHEN IT WAS CALLED TRAFFIC. Jk Sicario looks fantastic I've heard great things can't wait to see it.

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  5. Pally's back. This is where we make him change and stuff now.

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  6. Raw, sliced tomatoes: nothing's worse.

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  7. A flu shot? Would Edward Snowden get a "flu" shot? Well then neither would I.

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  8. All I know is these stocks better go up... That's literally all I know. I do not understand the stock market or investing or nothing.

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  9. "Red Sox Manager Meets Obama in Hotel Gym" might be the most worthless headline I've ever read.

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  10. Was just at the hottest night club in Chicago. Saw two guys in North Face jackets.

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  11. Butter lettuce is one of the all-time misleading names.

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  12. Not to brag but I'm in a Boingo hotspot.

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  13. Thank G-d it's finally Rocktober.

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  14. I'm pretty sure nowadays the kids are texting FROM their computers. That's just wild to me.

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  15. Is Beyoncé saying "cigars on ice"? It's cool if she is, I just didn't know that was a thing.

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  16. "Old Thing & Other Old Thing" - restaurants.

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