Situated on the Lebanese-Syrian borders, El Qaa is the last village on the Baalbek-Homs road. In Arabic, El Qaa means “reassuring fields”, while in Syriac it is equivalent to “a wide valley or flat ground”.
As one of the participants in the Violence Free Schools initiative, the Minieh El Makaleh Public School in Minieh, North Lebanon celebrated the final phase of the initiative in their school with a festive ceremony.
The Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) 2017 – 2020 presents a collective vision to move beyond direct humanitarian assistance to develop resilient public institutions and invest in the country’s social, economic and environmental stability.
Check out our work in Lebanon and how we contribute in development through working on the main focus areas: Social and Local development, Democratic Governance, Crisis Prevention and Recovery, Energy and Environment & Response to the Syrian Crisis.
The second phase of the Women's Media Awareness Campaign aims at fostering political parties to endorse women as candidates.
PM Saad Hariri launched today from the Grand Serail the “Warak Beirut” project that aims to implement sorting paper and cardboard from the source in public institution buildings in Beirut.

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5.9 million



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