Child abuse

Reforms will ensure children don't spend their whole childhoods in care

Reforms will ensure children don't spend their whole childhoods in care

Despite the heavy expenditure, the system is palpably failing to keep children safely at home, or to safely return them home from care. Hence the average total period of time that children spend in care in NSW is a staggering 12.5 years — almost as long as all children spend at school.

  • by Jeremy Sammut


Man charged over online exploitation of child overseas
Child abuse

Man charged over online exploitation of child overseas

An Australian man has been charged over the alleged online exploitation of a young girl in Canada.

  • by Rachel Clun
Baby rape fallout: social justice commissioner warns of 'devastating' effects of removing children from families

Baby rape fallout: social justice commissioner warns of 'devastating' effects of removing children from families

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social justice commissioner says there is no simple solution to the complex issue of child protection.

  • by Fergus Hunter
'It wasn't us' say clerics as Ballarat cathedral's loud fence vanishes

'It wasn't us' say clerics as Ballarat cathedral's loud fence vanishes

Mystery surrounds the disappearance of hundreds of coloured ribbons, reminders of the survivors and victims of sexual abuse, from the fence of a cathedral.

  • by Victoria Stone-Meadows
Churches want child sex abuse compensation extended to criminals
Child abuse

Churches want child sex abuse compensation extended to criminals

Churches want the federal government to extend its child sex abuse compensation scheme to include those who have been convicted of serious crimes.

  • by Stephanie Peatling
Where will relentless campaign leave the most needy?
Child abuse

Where will relentless campaign leave the most needy?

If the Church is knocked out of the equation, who else will do all the good that ordinary Church workers and volunteers do with its assets?

  • by Archbishop Anthony Fisher
Turnbull to deliver national apology to child sex abuse victims
Malcolm Turnbull

Turnbull to deliver national apology to child sex abuse victims

The Prime Minister says the apology will occur later this year after extensive consultation with victims.

  • by Adam Gartrell
Kids as young as four posting explicit images and being groomed online
Child abuse

Kids as young as four posting explicit images and being groomed online

Police will start teaching online safety to kindergarten children after it has emerged kids as young as four are posting explicit images of themselves.

  • by David Wroe
Departing Aboriginal children's commissioner angered by deaths
Child abuse

Departing Aboriginal children's commissioner angered by deaths

More than 160 children known to child protection workers have died as a result of assault, suicide, poor health and other factors over the past five years.

  • by Farrah Tomazin
Sad figures reveal delays in Queensland child safety investigations
Public housing

Sad figures reveal delays in Queensland child safety investigations

About half of child protection investigations begun last year began after 29 days or longer.

  • by Felicity Caldwell
Attorney-General will not appeal Heidi Strbak sentence over Tyrell Cobb death
Child abuse

Attorney-General will not appeal Heidi Strbak sentence over Tyrell Cobb death

Tyrell died in May 2009 after two blows to his abdomen caused internal bleeding, leading to peritonitis.

  • by Amy Mitchell-Whittington