The Iran deal wasn't perfect but Trump's gamble makes the Middle East more dangerous

The Iran deal wasn't perfect but Trump's gamble makes the Middle East more dangerous

What we have in Donald Trump’s reckless, unilateral withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal is that Washington, not Tehran, has breached an international agreement that was years in the making and painstakingly stitched together.

It is now more likely, not less, that Iran will develop a nuclear weapons program.

Was the deal perfect? No. Most bemusingly it did nothing to stop Iran carrying out ballistic missile tests - a key part of any nuclear weapons program since there’s not much point in having a bomb if you can’t deliver it somewhere.

But the European signatories - Britain, France and Germany - were working hard at finding some compromise to fix that flaw.

The Trump administration’s other main complaint - one shared by Israel and Saudi Arabia - was the deal does nothing to stop Iran carrying out other malevolent activity in the region such as supporting Hezbollah and Hamas, meddling in Iraq, supporting the atrocious Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

But that is why it was called a nuclear deal. It was never supposed to curb every aspect of Iran’s behaviour that we don’t like. Scrapping the nuclear deal is not the answer to that problem.


Iran has indicated it will take the high ground and stick to the deal anyway - potentially a clever play that will split the Europeans from the US and further isolate Trump.

Trump’s risky gamble is that the reimposition of US sanctions will cripple Iran’s economy and fuel popular pressure against the theocratic regime.

Whether or not the Europeans - along with China and Russia - stick with the deal, the centrality of US banks to global financial transactions mean it will be hard for other countries to continue doing business with Iran once Washington reimposes sanctions. US sanctions will hit oil exports on which Iran heavily depends.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Photo: Iranian Presidency Office

Unemployment and stagnation, as street protests by Iranians have consistently showed, are real dangers to the regime.

But why wouldn’t a young Iranian, who is angry at not having a job but maintains a firm nationalistic streak, be as likely to blame Washington for his or her plight rather than their own government, given it is Trump who is blowing up the deal?

If anything, the US withdrawal is likely to empower hardliners in Iran who would argue their government can’t be pushed around by the US.

The upshot is that the US, likely backed by Israel, will have to be prepared to take military action if Iran tries to resume its nuclear program. Iran is no superpower but nor is it a minnow. A war would be hugely costly.

John Bolton, Trump’s super-hawkish new national security adviser, argues that pulling out of the agreement sends a message to the world’s other, more pressing nuclear miscreant, North Korea. The message is that the US won’t stand for bad deals.

Bolton’s argument doesn’t make much sense given there is a key difference: North Korea already has a well-developed weapons program and is therefore in a much stronger bargaining position.


Others, including Foreign Minister Julie Bishop - who has expressed disappointment in Trump’s announcement - have suggested it could imperil any North Korea deal by simply making Washington appear unreliable.

It's hard to escape the feeling that Trump is blowing this up because it was Obama's deal. Undoing what Obama did is central to his philosophy.

Ironically, the biggest worry many US observers have about Trump’s planned talks with North Korea is precisely that the ego-driven President will be so determined to cover himself in glory by sealing a deal that none of his predecessors - especially Obama - managed, that he will himself settle for a deal with North Korea that is weaker than it ought to be.

David Wroe

David Wroe is the defence and national security correspondent for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based at Parliament House

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