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Longreads 2h
"Imagine 5 plastic grocery bags stuffed with plastic trash, sitting on every foot of coastline around the world—that would correspond to about 8.8 million tons, her middle-of-the-road estimate of what the ocean gets from us annually"
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Longreads 4h
"I start by thinking, well, this is a completely unrelated thing. There’s no genuine connection, for example, between the and Rikers Island. And then, the more you dig deep, you start seeing the way everything is connected."
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David Gambacorta 7h
“The dead are attached to the living, and those who have lost them are attached to the dead. It’s inevitable that there are ghosts.”
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Longreads retweeted 8h
The idea that anyone who wants to work should be able to find a job is more supported than you might think, writes for
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Longreads 5h
“A bomb can’t distinguish between master and enemy,” Velu later told us. “It’s brainless and it does brainless work.”
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Longreads 7h
"In a single stroke, the government could not only eliminate involuntary unemployment but also alter the private job market. The wages and benefits at guaranteed public jobs would effectively set a floor for private employment."
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Longreads 8h
Such a moving and important read about the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands in Japan. Here's the excerpt:
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Longreads 9h
Along a 25-building stretch of West Oakland, neighbors work to improve their block, connect with each other, and cling to what’s theirs.
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Longreads 10h
"Talking honestly about hard things in a way kids can understand helps open a door to the empathy that’s part of being a decent human being."
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Flattery 🌚’Connor 12h
Y’all, I finally hopped back on the train after months of anxiety-fueled self-doubt. I read & wrote about ballet! 💞 Give it a look.
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Longreads 12h
"It’s unclear how long it will take for that plastic to completely biodegrade into its constituent molecules. Estimates range from 450 years to never."
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Ana Ionova May 22
Please take the time to read and share this fascinating piece by and Kim Wall, about the women who fought with the Tamil Tigers in 's brutal civil war. It was the last story Kim filed.
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Longreads 13h
"It was an angry, bitter display, like something out of a late Roth novel. It’s self-serving to say so, but I don’t think his staff was the problem. The industry really was changing."
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Uncharted 14h
“The idea—that the government should provide a job for anyone who wants one—is both radical and impressively well-liked. A recent study found that 52 percent of Americans support it, compared with just 29 percent who say they’re opposed.” (via )
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Longreads 14h
"There were many thousands of words published this past year on the NFL quarterback’s swift transformation into social activism icon." Last year's best sports , including three on Colin Kaepernick by , , and :
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Longreads 14h
"More than the story of how a ship was overcome by a storm, ’s is an allegory for what it means to be a part of the nation’s largely invisible working and middle class."
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Joshunda Sanders 17h
I learned so much talking to Rachel Slade about El Faro and reading her incredible book, Into the Raging Sea. Really timely as hurricane season approaches on June 1 given her insights into government & the working class.
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Rahul Bhatia 16h
I can’t get over this piece by .
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Tricia Romano 16h
I have been friends with Tanya Selvaratnam for 15 years. I just happened to be staying at her apartment the night the news broke about Eric Schneiderman. It was eye opening.
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Ecco 15h
"As a journalist, I want to understand the facts, but I also want to tell the story through the people impacted. Some people I talked to were wary, but they also put their trust in me and that meant everything." talks to :
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