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Most quotes people use that are from 'Unknown' or 'Anonymous' are actually from me but they refuse to give me credit
Joined March 2012

Scotty’s Tweets

I've lived in Ann Arbor a lot of years now. Every time the MSU game is played here, their whole idiot contingent flocks to town and tries so hard to convince itself the city is trash, because, well, you know. like that's such an insane cope esp since their team usually wins
USPS likes to be sparse w/ updates when I’m the recipient “in transit, arriving late” for 5 days, but when I’m the sender, they’re quick to push responsibility on me with “tracking created, USPS awaits item” like yeah you guys would really be on top of it otherwise
if there’s any purity or goodness in this world then I like to think my high school science teacher thoroughly enjoyed the whole cicada thing last month
I am begging you with every fiber of my being to please delete this
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We’ve seen the pictures. Know the facts: ⁃Masks MUST be worn on campus ⁃Outdoor gatherings are limited to 25 -Indoor gatherings are limited to 10 ⁃Masks are not required for members of the same household Have concerns? Call 734-647-3000
Party of 26 Drake doing No Face Party of 25 Drake doing yes face.
a very ignorant person told me today that my economics major is "stupid" and that "it's just studying a bunch of lines". this person was me
If anyone knows how to get a tie unstuck from a parking meter I'll be on E. Washington arguing with these homeless people
Alone on the elevator w/ Shane Morris, who's wearing full cast and has crutches, I say "Gee, I'd hate to see the other guy." He didn't laugh
My ex-wife's other ex-husband and I are friends because we both had a son with her and both are named Dan and both work at the arcade
Today a homeless man on the street asked me for spare change & I told him "No hablo English." Then he asked me in Spanish. I gave him a dime