Seinep Dyikanbaeva, Programme Manager and Lawyer of the “Association of Parents of Disabled-Children”. Seinep consults people with disabilities on daily basis. Despite the fact that Seinep has an inborn cerebral palsy diagnosis she lives an active lifestyle and helps people with disabilities to fully enjoy their rights. It is worth mentioning that Seinep has been invited to deliver a speech during the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2014 and 2015.
Mankind produced 4.5 thousand Eiffel towers of electronic waste – about 6.1 kilograms per inhabitant of the planet in 2016 according to the report of the United Nations Global Electronic Waste Monitor 2017.
“I was totally devastated and felt lost when learned my daughter was diagnosed cerebral palsy. I tried to avoid any thoughts about future and just live everyday life. I could not accept reality and only belief and support of other moms with the same children urged me help my child to live a productive life,’’ says Eliza Jekshenbek Kyzy from Kara-Balta.

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