Because we believe that fathers should be actively involved in raising and educating children and that it is natural to a man to take paternity and child care leave, we supported the photo exhibition "Moldovan and Swedish Dads".
First U.N. effort to finance solar energy with cryptocurrency could expand to Eastern Europe where markets are considered mature but funding is scarce.
With UNDP support, the hay production in Copceac village accounted in 2017 for about 13 tones/ha of hay as compared to 0.5 tones/ha of hay registered before the rehabilitation works.
With a modern dental imaging center, the path to a healthy smile has become more accessible for Soldanesti inhabitants.
The authorities estimate that the waiting time will be reduced to half, while the flows of passengers and goods will increase.
How can we foster urban development in tandem with carbon emissions’ reduction and environment protection?
A center for handicraft and traditional costumes making will be established in the village of Pelinia, Drochia district.

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of people live below 4.3 USD per day


of people are unemployed


of Parliamentary seats held by women


of primary energy supply is from fossil fuels

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