The pumps will help improve access and availability of water for irrigation to close to 3000 people and irrigate more than 2900 acres of land in Myanmar's Dry Zone.
Many people may say they understand the concept of gender, but the question is, do they really?
The programme targeted executive and senior government officials, and focused on raising awareness in four key areas.
School evacuation drills were organized in two schools in the outskirts of Yangon.
The Myanmar Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) marked the International Anti-Corruption Day at an event in Nay Pyi Taw on 8 December 2018.
When temperatures soared in the already blazing heat of Myanmar’s Dry Zone, Kyaw Htaing was alarmed for the well-being of the piglets he was raising.
The Handbook has a detailed description of the concept of Rule of Law and also gives examples of rule of law projects and programs currently underway in Myanmar.

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51.4 million



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