In Cambodia, schools are often used to provide shelter in times of natural disasters. Teachers play a crucial role in preparing students and community members to respond to emergencies.
Between Jingle Bells and I’m dreaming of a white Christmas that seem to be playing in an endless loop, I stand in Cambodia’s biggest shopping mall watching people stroll by, checking out the glitter and glamour in the shop windows.
Imagine if a city like Chicago were to disappear in a single year. Well, this is happening now with our forests. Every year, the world loses a forest area similar to the size of this major US city.
Cambodia’s forests are under mounting pressure. Trees are being cut down and replaced with cash crops like cashew nuts, and cassava. Many trees disappear due to the need for large-scale economic development.
Increasing climatic events has exacerbated the frequency, severity and unpredictability of disasters in Cambodia.
It’s early Tuesday morning, and along a dike that separates the mangrove forest from the fish nursery habitat, Ream Mosavy, is collecting blue shell mussels. For generations, his community has harvested mussels here, a means to their very survival.
The village of Prey Kuy, in Kampong Thom province, falls in a region blessed with plenty of rain, so one might imagine its farms are bountiful.

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15.6 M

Population (2015)

13.5 %

Poverty rate (2014)

1215 (USD)

GDP per capita (2015)

143 / 188

Human Dev. Index (2016)

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