UNDP supported health facilities with non-incineration waste management technologies to improve healthcare waste management
The 2nd National REDD+ Forum was held to sensitise stakeholders and to galvanise political support for REDD+ implementation in Ghana
A new UNDP report based on hundreds of interviews with extremists, first-of-its-kind study, pinpoints key factors triggering decisions to join violent extremist groups in Africa
The mobile app provides guidance on developing effective communication strategies and interventions to prevent violent extremism
UNDP's support to women in Kenyase No. 3 seeks to enhance their productive capacity for sustainable livelihoods and promote cookstoves that are energy efficient and environmentally friendly.
Providing boreholes has helped to significantly reduce the vulnerabilities of the rural dwellers, especially women and children to adverse climate change impacts.
Watch how UNDP has supported Ghana on her development pathways since 1978

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Population in million in 2016


Poverty rate (in 2012) down from 52.6% (in 1991) per World Bank


GNI per capita per the 2016 HDR


Human Dev. Index per the 2016 HDR

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