Opinion | Comment & Analysis | WA Today


Sting in the tail of strict High Court ruling

Sting in the tail of strict High Court ruling

There is an urgent need for a broader national conversation about constitutional reform.

  • by Rosalind Dixon


John Johnston gets 'second Alan Bond' for his 100th birthday

John Johnston gets 'second Alan Bond' for his 100th birthday

You only get one Alan Bond in your lifetime said Kerry Packer, but Godfreys 99-year-old co-founder got two.

  • by Colin Kruger
A predictable 'top-down sameness' to significant public service review

A predictable 'top-down sameness' to significant public service review

The recently announced review of the federal public service deserves considerable attention, yet it is one which is often over-looked in serious public debate.

  • by John Warhurst
Can elections put East Timor on a more stable path?

Can elections put East Timor on a more stable path?

It will be fascinating to see whether Saturday's poll paves the way for better economic opportunities and long-term development for the Timorese people.

  • by Avery Poole
Budget 2018: an act of intergenerational theft

Budget 2018: an act of intergenerational theft

The absence of action on intergenerational fairness issues has yet again left young people short-changed.

  • by Megan Shellie
Israel Folau is embarrassing the game, and it's almost time he moved on

Israel Folau is embarrassing the game, and it's almost time he moved on

Israel Folau. I wish he’d shut up. But he won’t, and I can’t either.

  • by Peter FitzSimons
How the Cats can cover Tomahawk

How the Cats can cover Tomahawk

With no Tom Hawkins or Dan Menzel do the Cats throw Harry Taylor forward again?

  • by Michael Gleeson
Welcome to the weirdest collection of tax cuts on record

Welcome to the weirdest collection of tax cuts on record

Has there ever been a more weird collection of tax cuts? Some of them won't even be paid out until way after the end of each financial year.

  • by Peter Martin
A defeat in Parliament on income tax cuts could be just what Malcolm Turnbull needs

A defeat in Parliament on income tax cuts could be just what Malcolm Turnbull needs

Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison look like they want a fight over tax cuts more than they want the tax cuts themselves.

  • by David Crowe
Donald Trump’s America has just become a rogue nation
Middle East

Donald Trump’s America has just become a rogue nation

The US has generally played the role of international security guarantor, but Donald Trump’s America has just become a rogue nation.

  • by Peter Hartcher
Budget 2018: The political poison Morrison wants to fix

Budget 2018: The political poison Morrison wants to fix

Bracket creep is something that has been on Scott Morrison’s mind for some time.

  • by Fleur Anderson
High Court's 'hardline' citizenship decision a headache for parties

High Court's 'hardline' citizenship decision a headache for parties

The High Court decision exposed Labor as the party worst affected by the dual citizenship fiasco - but it's a headache for politicians of all stripes.

  • by Michaela Whitbourn
Smaller super account balances protected
Super & retirement

Smaller super account balances protected

The budget contains measures to help protect those with small account balances from having the balances eaten away by fees.

  • by John Collett
Lightning struggling to strike twice

Lightning struggling to strike twice

In Super Netball, backing up is the hardest thing to do.

  • by Liz Ellis
Union movement can't afford to waste goodwill of 'staggering' march

Union movement can't afford to waste goodwill of 'staggering' march

Getting 100,000 people on to the streets of Melbourne to protest against Australia’s workplace laws shows there's still life in the once-mighty union movement.

  • by Ben Schneiders
North Korea moving quickly to the table, even as Iran deal collapses

North Korea moving quickly to the table, even as Iran deal collapses

The Iran deal is not likely to derail Trump's North Korea meeting, but it might give the hermit kingdom pause for thought.

  • by Kirsty Needham
Model 'Bambi' caused royal scandal then became Countess of Harewood

Model 'Bambi' caused royal scandal then became Countess of Harewood

The Australian model caused a royal scandal when she gave birth to a son by the Queen's cousin, the Earl of Harewood, while he was still married.

After Saxon Mullins, here's what needs to change
Life & relationships

After Saxon Mullins, here's what needs to change

We need to change more than the law if we want to put a dent in the way society views sexual assault.

  • by Jane Gilmore
My kid has never forgiven me for going back to work
Life & relationships

My kid has never forgiven me for going back to work

My nine-year-old is constantly guilt-tripping me.

  • by Meredith Hale
Irresponsible budget presents an opportunity for Labor

Irresponsible budget presents an opportunity for Labor

These smoke and mirror tax cuts are nothing more than vote-buying from a desperate government racing to an early election.

  • by Nick Dyrenfurth
The scandals are starting to bite, CBA's latest result shows
Banking & finance

The scandals are starting to bite, CBA's latest result shows

When the wave of scandals began, there was a view that the financial impact would barely register in the context of CBA's massive earnings. That was misguided.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Sad times at Fremantle signal a change at the top is needed

Sad times at Fremantle signal a change at the top is needed

At the moment, no one at the Dockers - fans, members, players and officials - seems to be very happy at all.

  • by David Prestipino
Tax cuts rely on 'Goldilocks' economy continuing

Tax cuts rely on 'Goldilocks' economy continuing

How realistic are the budget's assumptions about where our economy will head over the next few years, and beyond?

  • by Clancy Yeates
The Iran deal wasn't perfect but Trump's gamble makes the Middle East more dangerous

The Iran deal wasn't perfect but Trump's gamble makes the Middle East more dangerous

Iran was abiding by the nuclear deal. Trump's unilateral withdrawal makes it more likely, not less, that the theocratic regime will pursue nuclear weapons.

  • by David Wroe
How taxpayers can make the most of the budget

How taxpayers can make the most of the budget

Should you delay or bring forward your tax deductions?

  • by Melissa Browne
Fact check: Is Trump telling the truth on the Iran nuclear deal?
North America

Fact check: Is Trump telling the truth on the Iran nuclear deal?

The President's words on a number of issues contradicts the analysis of United States and foreign intelligence and security sources.

  • by AP Fact Check
Risks greater than I can recall in my working life

Risks greater than I can recall in my working life

Scott Morrison's budget hangs on an unjustified assumption of strength in the world and national economies.

  • by John Hewson
In breaking Iran deal, Trump goes on collision course with allies
Middle East

In breaking Iran deal, Trump goes on collision course with allies

Trump has undermined America’s relationships with its allies and friends, hindering any future diplomatic efforts to confront Iranian aggression.

  • by Nick O'Malley
Infrastructure spend headlines WA budget splurge

Infrastructure spend headlines WA budget splurge

The federal budget spent big on infrastructure and tax cuts, but there was a little extra for WA that was not already announced.

  • by Nathan Hondros
Should large companies co-provide university courses?
Small business

Should large companies co-provide university courses?

Different models are needed to drive teaching collaborations between industry and higher education.

  • by Tony Featherstone
AI levels the playing field for small business
Small business

AI levels the playing field for small business

Artificial intelligence is no longer just the domain of big business with deep pockets and large data sets.

  • by Alexandra Cain
An awkward charm offensive begins for AMP's David Murray

An awkward charm offensive begins for AMP's David Murray

Is AMP chairman-elect, David Murray, a ladies man? We're about to find out.

  • by Colin Kruger
Does banking attract cheats or make them?
Banking & finance

Does banking attract cheats or make them?

The prevailing culture in banking "favours dishonest behaviour", according to a Swiss study.

  • by David Kinley
Budget 2018: A surplus isn't all black and white

Budget 2018: A surplus isn't all black and white

Since the Global Financial Crisis erupted a decade ago, we've all been engaged in an extended game of pass the (huge) parcel of debt.

  • by Nicholas Stuart
Peter Martin
The economy

Budget 2018: Morrison budgets for good times

Rarely has a government so brazenly broken its compact with the Australian people.

  • by Peter Martin
Scott Morrison
The economy

Budget 2018: Scott Morrison appeals to the middle

If you were wondering if the Turnbull government plans to go to the polls before this time next year, this budget strongly suggests the answer is "yes".

'Renovators delight': House Rules undergoes its own redesign
TV & radio

'Renovators delight': House Rules undergoes its own redesign

A home in the inner suburb of Sydney went under the jackhammer, but Seven's renovation show is also being remodelled with this house-flip first.

  • by Aja Styles
Mark Kenny
The economy

Budget 2018: Winners all round as Coalition keeps election options open

Inasmuch as any budget can achieve a bounce these days, this one has the best capacity in recent memory.

  • by Mark Kenny
Treasurer Scott Morrison has unveiled his third budget.
The economy

Budget 2018: Treasurer Scott Morrison makes a personal appeal to voters

When a Treasurer starts with a quiz, you can take it to the bank that he's got the answers rehearsed.

  • by Tony Wright
The established parties, which receive large sums of public money to finance their campaigns, are controlled by professional, "whatever it takes" politicians.
The economy

Budget 2018: The good news, Canberra, is there isn't much bad news

The rash of new government projects is likely to mean good times for the ACT economy.

  • by Markus Mannheim
Jacqueline Maley
The economy

Budget 2018: Treasurer Scott Morrison playing many roles to avoid the final curtain

He is not so dimply now, but there was a time Scott Morrison was cute enough to moonlight as a child actor. He appeared in several commercials as a kid. He left the thespian life behind for politics and since then has played many roles, both villainous and heroic.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
Ross Gittins
The economy

Budget 2018: This budget is too good to be true

If you believe Malcolm Turnbull's luck can turn on a sixpence, this is the budget for you. From now on, everything's coming good.

  • by Ross Gittins
Why I’m making my son sit a test I know he’ll fail

Why I’m making my son sit a test I know he’ll fail

According to NAPLAN, my son isn't learning anything at school. But one look at the Valentine's Day card he gave me shows the real problem is with the test.

  • by Briana Blackett
Knee-deep in blood - AMP feeds directors to baying crowd
Banking & finance

Knee-deep in blood - AMP feeds directors to baying crowd

As four women have been chopped there's plenty more change required on the troubled giant's board.

  • by Adele Ferguson
If this is 'world's best' water management, we're all in trouble

If this is 'world's best' water management, we're all in trouble

The Turnbull government and federal Labor's deal to amend the $13 billion Murray Darling Basin Plan isn't the same thing as fixing it.

  • by Peter Hannam
Yawn. This 'professional' style of footy is putting us all to sleep

Yawn. This 'professional' style of footy is putting us all to sleep

The knockers say there’s too much congestion, nobody stays in their positions any more and the game has become robotic and boring.

  • by Sam Duncan
Darling Range voters gear up for seventh election in six years

Darling Range voters gear up for seventh election in six years

The impending Darling Range byelection will be electorate's seventh election in the past six years.

  • by Hamish Hastie
Richmond dominating the end game

Richmond dominating the end game

Richmond may not be unbeatable this year, as Adelaide proved. But the Tigers appear to be better than 2017, which is a scary thought for their opposition.

  • by Martin Blake
Official complaint: Two referee system's shortfalls highlighted again

Official complaint: Two referee system's shortfalls highlighted again

The weakness of the NRL’s controversial system was exposed on Sunday in the top-of-the-table match between St George Illawarra and Melbourne.

  • by Roy Masters
Our brightest kids are being left to fend for themselves

Our brightest kids are being left to fend for themselves

It is a disgrace that those who are academically gifted or even just talented and hardworking are disparaged for their success.

  • by Cynthia Fenton