Education | Latest News & Analysis | WA Today


Schools turn to mindfulness to tackle student anxiety

Schools turn to mindfulness to tackle student anxiety

Instead of going straight into their next lesson after recess or lunch, students at a school in Sydney's west spend up to half an hour on mindfulness.

  • by Pallavi Singhal


The Gonski plan: an online tool to stop children falling through the cracks

The Gonski plan: an online tool to stop children falling through the cracks

The centrepiece of Gonski 2.0 is an online tool to track student progress - and stop children slipping through the cracks.

  • by Jordan Baker
Winner takes all: how private schools make everyone nastier

Winner takes all: how private schools make everyone nastier

Unless we want a rich-poor apartheid, we need to stop giving the fat little piggies in private schools such a hefty, gold-plated leg up.

  • by Elizabeth Farrelly
Catholic alternative to Safe Schools distributed to Melbourne schools

Catholic alternative to Safe Schools distributed to Melbourne schools

Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne have for the first time been given resources to help them support same-sex attracted and transgender students.

  • by Henrietta Cook
NSW rejection a death knell for NAPLAN: teachers

NSW rejection a death knell for NAPLAN: teachers

The federal government is digging its heels in saying it's an important tool for parents, but NSW and teachers want NAPLAN gone.

  • by Jordan Baker
Andrew Laming: this is what I really meant about teachers' pay

Andrew Laming: this is what I really meant about teachers' pay

My call to pay teachers for every hour they work was misrepresented by vested interests as an attack on the profession.

  • by Andrew Laming
Curtin's 'crafternoons': Pet rocks and play time for Perth's best minds

Curtin's 'crafternoons': Pet rocks and play time for Perth's best minds

Friendship bracelets, pet rocks and glitter paint. It's all part of this university's offerings for students.

  • by Nathan Hondros
Pay deal 'imminent' for Catholic teachers in ACT, NSW after dispute breakthrough

Pay deal 'imminent' for Catholic teachers in ACT, NSW after dispute breakthrough

The new pay deal will cap meeting hours for teachers and increase mentoring for early career educators.

  • by Sherryn Groch
The bell rings for another round in the education war

The bell rings for another round in the education war

Five minutes after businessman David Gonski dropped his review into schooling excellence – let’s call it Gonski Part 2 – the grown-ups were at it again.

  • by Matt Holden
NAPLAN is being used, abused and must be urgently dumped: Stokes

NAPLAN is being used, abused and must be urgently dumped: Stokes

NSW is calling on the federal government to urgently replace the NAPLAN test, saying it is being misused and abused.

  • by Jordan Baker
Encounter made me realise I was wrong to oppose Safe Schools

Encounter made me realise I was wrong to oppose Safe Schools

Young trans people believed in me once. Then I dashed their hopes and broke their hearts. Redemption came from an unlikely quarter.

  • by Catherine McGregor