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Power companies to be investigated over estimated bills

Power companies to be investigated over estimated bills

Regulator to find out how many bills are not based on actual meter readings.

  • by Debbie Cuthbertson

Opinion & Perspectives

Drumbeat to ditch NAPLAN is growing louder - and rightly so

As a school principal, when parents ask whether they should withdraw their children from NAPLAN, I find it hard to argue why they shouldn’t.

Elizabeth Stone

    The deal between athlete and audience is souring

    There is a bizarre penchant in this country for demoralising sportspeople. 

    Timothy Boyle

      The creepy truth behind the budget

      Australia does not have high-taxing, high-spending governments. But it has had a succession of fiscally duplicitous ones.

      Michael Short
        Michael Short


        Pallas budget a con, 'not worth paper it's written on' say Liberals

        Pallas budget a con, 'not worth paper it's written on' say Liberals

        Shadow treasurer Michael O’Brien says Labor's budget position is built on a series of “cons” and is set to end in collapse.

        • by Noel Towell
        Road rage: New lanes, new insults between Spring Street and Canberra

        Road rage: New lanes, new insults between Spring Street and Canberra

        Federal Coalition accuses Victorian government of trying to explain away its infrastructure failures with fanciful excuses.

        • by Noel Towell