Michael Fox reports on the growing mobilization of workers against austerity, privatization and repression in Brazil.

On World Press Freedom Day, Amnesty International’s Stefan Simanowitz reports on why Turkish journalists need support.

After decades of neglect, the mood is turning. Dinyar Godrej on the fightback against privatization.

Social security reforms have triggered an unprecedented wave of anger against the government. Dánae Vílchez reports.

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Latest issue

May 2018, Issue 512

Big story

Also this issue …

  • The almighty investor
  • Reclaiming the city
  • This land is my land
  • Q&A with Pervez Hoodbhoy
  • Country Profile: Lebanon

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Kabyle football
Liz McDaid and Makoma Lekalakaka in front of the country’s only nuclear power station – Koeberg.

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