WCH logo

Archive of the Working Class History podcast. History isn't made by kings and politicians, it's made by all of us. This podcast is about how we, together, have fought for a better world...

London Underground track workers

An interview with Andy Littlechild, a rail track charge hand and rail workers' union official, about Workmates: a fighting organisation of permanent and agency contract workers on London...

Protest against hate - central London 06.05.18

On Sunday 6 May thousands of far-right anti-Muslim bigots will be marching through central London, anti-fascists from across the country need to take to the streets to oppose them.

A look at the recent surge in levels of gang related violence and deaths of young people in working class, BME areas of London , and the youth-led movements growing in response to it.


Angry brigade logo

The first of a two-part interview about the Angry Brigade, Britain’s first urban guerrilla group, with John Barker, author, who in 1972 was convicted for being part of the organisation.


A review of nine amazing legal defences and unlikely acquittals from history:

legal, UK, USA, France, Italy


Libcom's organising toolkit - guides to organising at work, in your local area and more.