Topic: Agriculture and regional development

Victorian Artisanal Producers On Cloud Nine

Victorian artisanal producers will be better off with the Andrews Labor Government today officially launching the artisanal agriculture and premium food program. Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford joined Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas at Cloud 9 Artisan Cheese in Pipers Creek today to announce the $2 million program – which will help grow Victoria’s high-value […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Agriculture, Ministers

Community Hall Upgrades For Hawkesdale And Wangoom

The communities of Hawkesdale and Wangoom in the state’s southwest are set to benefit from refurbishments to their memorial halls thanks to a $307,500 grant from the Andrews Labor Government. In south west Victoria today, Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford made the announcement while meeting with representatives from Moyne Shire Council, which will deliver […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Regional Development

Port Fairy’s Streets And Theatre Set For A Makeover

The Andrews Labor Government is investing in streetscape improvements in Port Fairy and will upgrade the Reardon Theatre so even more locals and visitors can enjoy one of our most picturesque towns. Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford visited Port Fairy today to announce $500,000 for streetscape improvements to Bank Street and a $292,000 upgrade for the […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Regional Development

Regional Partnerships: listening and delivering for locals

Funding will flow to local projects identified by local residents, as part of the Victorian Budget 2018/19. This year’s Budget includes $760 million to deliver on the key priorities of Victoria’s nine Regional Partnerships – the cornerstone of the Andrews Labor Government’s ongoing work to meet the needs of regional communities. Following strong local advocacy, […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Regional Development

Creating jobs and growing businesses in regional Victoria

Thousands of new jobs will be created in regional Victoria, with the Andrews Labor Government slashing payroll tax for regional businesses, making it the lowest in Australia. The Victorian Budget 2018/19 builds on last year’s tax cuts and further reduces tax for regional businesses, cutting the regional payroll tax rate to 2.425 per cent – […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Small Business, Treasurer

New skills, good jobs, more schools, better roads in regional Victoria

The Andrews Labor Government is getting things done, investing in the projects that regional Victoria needs and the people we need to deliver them. The Victorian Budget 2018/19 delivers more than $4.3 billion for regional Victoria, making sure regional communities have reliable roads and rail, good schools and quality healthcare. As we build our state, […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Regional Development, Ministers, Premier

Supporting Victorian farmers and boosting our exports

Young Victorian farmers will find it easier to get their start on the land, with stamp duty exemptions for farmers buying their first farm being lifted, bringing them into line with recent changes that benefit first home buyers. The Andrews Labor Government will lift the young farmer stamp duty-free threshold from $300,000 to $600,000 for […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Agriculture

Feedbase Collaboration Boosts Dairy Innovation

A new research partnership between the Andrews Labor Government and the dairy industry will help boost the productivity and profitability of Victoria’s dairy farms. Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford today announced the DairyFeedbase initiative, which will bring together large-scale integrated research using cutting-edge agricultural technologies to improve pasture performance, animal nutrition and the cost-competitiveness of the feedbase. […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Agriculture

Boosting Agricultural Manufacturing In Ballarat

The Andrews Labor Government is backing two Ballarat agricultural machinery producers to expand their operations, creating 27 jobs and driving Victoria’s competitiveness as a producer of Australian-made farm machinery. Goldacres is a sprayer company with 40 years’ history in Ballarat, producing Australian-made products that suit local conditions and the needs for Australian farmers. A $2.78 million […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Agriculture, Minister for Regional Development

Victoria: The Medicinal Cannabis Hub Of Australia

The world’s largest medicinal cannabis company Canopy Growth Corporation will establish its Asia-Pacific headquarters, research and development centre in Victoria, creating more than 200 jobs. Thanks to support from the Andrews Labor Government, Canopy Growth Corporate, through its wholly owned subsidiary Spectrum Cannabis Australia, will invest up to $16 million here in Victoria to establish […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Agriculture, Ministers