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More than tax cuts: Scott Morrison plans for budget savings

More than tax cuts: Scott Morrison plans for budget savings

Scott Morrison says the government would stick to its rule of matching every new spending decision with a saving made elsewhere in the budget.

  • by David Crowe

Opinion & Perspectives

Testing times: children's education should not be a competition

We need a robust conversation about education, teachers, and especially the wellbeing of children. But can we please do it with some imagination and vision?

Stephanie Dowrick

    Economic reckoning is on its way - and we will all have to pay

    Turnbull and Morrison will insult the intelligence of Australians on Tuesday by giving us a paltry tax cut and a beer discount.

    Peter Hartcher
      Peter Hartcher

      The question Scott Morrison will not answer

      There is one big question Scott Morrison does not want to answer about the tax cuts he will reveal on Tuesday night.

      David Crowe
        David Crowe


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