Category: Treasurer

More help to ease cost of living pressure

Victorians will get more help to make ends meet, with a Budget boost to help ease the cost of living across our state. The Victorian Budget 2018/19 will invest $48 million in the Power Saving Bonus to help Victorian families get a better deal from power companies. To receive a $50 bonus, households will have […]

Categories: Media Release, Treasurer

Creating jobs and growing businesses in regional Victoria

Thousands of new jobs will be created in regional Victoria, with the Andrews Labor Government slashing payroll tax for regional businesses, making it the lowest in Australia. The Victorian Budget 2018/19 builds on last year’s tax cuts and further reduces tax for regional businesses, cutting the regional payroll tax rate to 2.425 per cent – […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Small Business, Treasurer

A strong economy for a stronger Victoria

The Victorian Budget 2018/19 delivers a strong surplus, continued jobs growth, and invests in the projects and services that matter to our state. The Andrews Labor Government’s strong economic record continues, with the Budget delivering an estimated operating surplus of $1.4 billion in 2018-19, and surpluses averaging $2.5 billion over the forward estimates. Our state’s […]

Categories: Media Release, Treasurer

Treasurer Backs In Western Chances

Treasurer Tim Pallas is proud to nominate Western Chances as his 2018/19 Victorian Budget charity. Western Chances offers scholarships, opportunity programs and ongoing support to help break down the barriers to education faced by some students from across the Western Suburbs. The scholarships help to fund essential items, such as laptops, text books, specialist tuition […]

Categories: Media Release, Ministers, Treasurer

Sourcing Materials To Keep Our Infrastructure Pipeline Strong

The Andrews Labor Government is working to keep the cost of raw materials down as it rolls out the strongest infrastructure pipeline in Victoria’s history. The Victorian Budget 2018/19 includes $12.7 million for the Earth Resources Regulator (ERR) to ensure access to the rock, gravel, sand and other resources required to build the projects our […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Resources, Treasurer

Victorian Jobs Growth Leads The Nation

Victoria’s employment growth is the strongest in the nation, with 333,900 jobs created since the Andrews Labor Government was elected. New data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics released today shows that in March alone, 26,400 jobs were created in Victoria – compared to just 4,900 across the nation. Victoria’s jobs result in March was […]

Categories: Media Release, Treasurer

Funding Boost To Support Disadvantaged Youth

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting programs for disadvantaged adults and kids, with $4 million in funding through the Community Support Fund. The funding will allow Reclink to establish the ACTiVIC program, which will support over 1,500 youth and other Victorians experiencing disadvantage every year. The funding will enable Reclink to provide sports programs – […]

Categories: Media Release, Treasurer

Parliament Approves Snowy Sale To Benefit All Victorians

The Victorian Parliament has approved the historic sale of Victoria’s share of Snowy Hydro Limited, ratifying the agreement reached with the Commonwealth. As part of the historic agreement, Victoria will receive more than $2 billion from the Commonwealth that will benefit all Victorians. Unlike the Liberals and Nationals, who have already committed to spend the […]

Categories: Media Release, Treasurer

Victoria’s Nation-Leading Building Boom Boosting Jobs

New figures show the Andrews Labor Government has overseen an unprecedented building boom in Victoria, with engineering construction growth the strongest in the nation since December 2014. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data released today shows that Victorian engineering construction has grown 39.8 per cent since the Labor Government was elected. This is more than […]

Categories: Media Release, Treasurer

Desperate Liberal Stunt On GST Can’t Be Believed

Matthew Guy’s stunt on GST allocation and infrastructure funding is yet another desperate act from an increasingly desperate opposition leader. For three years, Matthew Guy and the Victorian Liberal Party have legitimatised the injustice that has been Malcolm Turnbull short-changing Victorians. Victoria is the fastest growing state and home to more than a quarter of […]

Categories: Media Release, Treasurer