Category: Media Release

Tram Stop Upgrades To Deliver Better Access

More tram stops across Melbourne will be upgraded to become fully accessible as the Andrews Labor Government gets on with upgrading 10 additional stops across Melbourne’s major tram routes. Works will start over the coming months to upgrade more tram stops, improving access to major hospital, education and tourist destinations and connections to other modes […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Public Transport

Only Labor Will Build The North East Link

Only the Andrews Labor Government will build the North East Link, the missing link in Melbourne’s freeway network that will give local roads back to local residents. Minister for Roads Luke Donnellan today welcomed the Federal Government’s $1.75 billion commitment to the urgently needed project, just days after Matthew Guy and the Victorian Liberals confirmed […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Roads and Road Safety

Contractors Sought For Ballarat GovHub

The Andrews Labor Government today opened an Expression of Interest (EOI) process to identify contractors to deliver the Ballarat GovHub, marking an important milestone in the project. The Labor Government is getting on with making GovHub a reality in Ballarat – delivering $47.8 million to the project, which will revitalise the Civic Hall site, provide […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Regional Development, Western Victoria Region

Free Tram Zone Extended For Major Events During Blitz

The Andrews Labor Government is extending the Free Tram Zone (FTZ) to get crowds to Melbourne’s major events, as work ramps up on major infrastructure projects over June. Melbourne’s popular FTZ will be extended to stops near the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) to make it simpler for fans to get from the city to ‘Dreamtime […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Public Transport

Victoria Growing As A Pharmaceuticals Hub

Victoria’s reputation as a global centre for pharmaceutical manufacturing is growing, with Australia’s only locally owned medicinal poppy processing company expanding to around the clock operations and creating 20 new jobs. TPI Enterprises (ASX:TPE) moved its global HQ and factory from Tasmania to Victoria in 2014, creating 48 new jobs in the process. That factory […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Trade and Investment

New Lanes On The Monash Freeway Open Tonight

Drivers on the Monash Freeway can look forward to some welcome relief, with more than 30 kilometres of new lanes opening this week – under budget and two months ahead of schedule. Premier Daniel Andrews joined Minister for Roads Luke Donnellan to announce new lanes will begin to open from tonight, slashing congestion and reducing […]

Categories: Media Release, Ministers, Premier

Community Walk Honours Lives Lost On Victorian Roads

Victorians who have tragically lost their lives on our roads are being remembered today as Road Trauma Support Services Victoria (RTSSV) hosts its fifth annual community walk Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan joined Victoria Police, the Transport Accident Commission and RTSSV to launch the walk around Albert Park Lake. The event marks […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Ministers

Victorian Manufacturing Driving Jobs And Investment

Victoria’s manufacturing industry is creating jobs and boosting our economy thanks to support from the Andrews Labor Government. New figures show the Labor Government’s $120 million investment in manufacturing has created more than 5,000 jobs for Victorians and is driving $1.4 billion in private investment from manufacturers. Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll made […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Industry and Employment, Ministers

Victorian Artisanal Producers On Cloud Nine

Victorian artisanal producers will be better off with the Andrews Labor Government today officially launching the artisanal agriculture and premium food program. Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford joined Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas at Cloud 9 Artisan Cheese in Pipers Creek today to announce the $2 million program – which will help grow Victoria’s high-value […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Agriculture, Ministers

More Kitchen Gardens To Teach Kids Healthy Food Habits

Victorian children will be supported to develop lifelong healthy eating habits, thanks to an Andrews Labor Government program that will set up more kitchen gardens and boost food education in schools across the state. Minister for Health Jill Hennessy today visited Altona Meadows Primary School to launch the Playground to Plate grants program. The $500,000 […]

Categories: Media Release, Minister for Health, Ministers