The Age editorial | The Age


Is politics as a career just too hard in Australia?

Is politics as a career just too hard in Australia?

EDITORIAL: The resignation of Labor MP Tim Hammond for family reasons highlights a tough problem.


Aged-care failings should alarm us all

Aged-care failings should alarm us all

Unless private providers are properly regulated, people’s wellbeing will be sacrificed in the pursuit of excessive profit.

Victorian budget driven by population surge

Victorian budget driven by population surge

EDITORIAL: The state is dealing primarily with the results of success.

Fixing schools easier said than done

Fixing schools easier said than done

EDITORIAL: There is perennial disagreement about the optimal balance between a fact-filled curriculum and the transmission of life skills.

Vive la difference but dump the political ideology

Vive la difference but dump the political ideology

EDITORIAL: The faux fights in Australian politics are wearisome and have created disillusionment.

The truth about crime and ethnicity

The truth about crime and ethnicity

Politically motivated misinformation and distortion undermine our entire community.

Bank revelations upstage budget leaks

Bank revelations upstage budget leaks

EDITORIAL: The Treasurer's voice has been drowned out by the explosions from the banking royal commission.

China's recycling ban is our opportunity

China's recycling ban is our opportunity

Australia should have been solving its waste disposal problem before now.

Melbourne's next lord mayor faces massive task

Melbourne's next lord mayor faces massive task

EDITORIAL: Robert Doyle's replacement is required to govern not only for businesses but for all. That requires vision and an infallible moral compass.

Much more work needed to ease Melbourne's growing pains

Much more work needed to ease Melbourne's growing pains

EDITORIAL: Melbourne's huge population growth is a testament to its strengths, but maintaining its liveability must be a priority.

Waive dodgy debts to help fix vocational training mess

Waive dodgy debts to help fix vocational training mess

EDITORIAL: A few unintended consequences are probably inevitable. But many are caused by a lack of due diligence, and downright sloppiness. Like this one ...