Politics | Federal State & International Politics Breaking News & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald


More than tax cuts: Scott Morrison plans for budget savings

More than tax cuts: Scott Morrison plans for budget savings

Scott Morrison says the government would stick to its rule of matching every new spending decision with a saving made elsewhere in the budget.

  • by David Crowe

Opinion & Perspectives

Testing times: children's education should not be a competition

We need a robust conversation about education, teachers, and especially the wellbeing of children. But can we please do it with some imagination and vision?

Stephanie Dowrick

    Economic reckoning is on its way - and we will all have to pay

    Turnbull and Morrison will insult the intelligence of Australians on Tuesday by giving us a paltry tax cut and a beer discount.

    Peter Hartcher
      Peter Hartcher

      We should welcome it when people change their minds

      Backflipping. Caving in. Flip-flopping. We call for a change, but when it comes, we jeer. Yet changing of one’s mind is surely a sign of flexibility, of having an open mind, of a fresh interrogation of evidence, of discovering new information, or even just adapting to political circumstances.

      Julia Baird
        Julia Baird


        Spectrum cartoon for Age and SMH 5/5/18 'Profile'
        20 images

        Best of Fairfax cartoons May 5, 2018

        Fairfax Media's talented team of artists, illustrators and cartoonists give us their humorous version of the news of the day.

        Testing times: children's education should not be a competition

        Testing times: children's education should not be a competition

        We need a robust conversation about education, teachers, and especially the wellbeing of children. But can we please do it with some imagination and vision?

        • by Stephanie Dowrick

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