
Today, we’re proposing updates to our Terms of Service and our Data Policy. You can see the proposed updates below and can comment on these documents until April 11th, 2018. Once finalized, we'll notify you and ask you to review our updated Terms and Data Policy.

Data Policy:

Learn more about Facebook’s privacy policy and practices, including what types of info Facebook receives and how info is used and shared.

Our updated terms, data policy and cookies policy take effect today (January 30, 2015). We did this to reflect some new features that help you connect with people you care about, and to make the documents clear and easy to read. If you'd like to take a look, they're available here:

Data Policy:
Cookies Policy:

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Facebook Site Governance added a post from November 21, 2014 to their timeline.

Today, we're letting people know about our updated data policy, cookies policy, and terms, which reflect new features we've been working on and will go into effect January 30, 2015. You can read more about them here:

Over the past week, people from around the world shared their questions and comments about our proposed updates. We'll continue the conversation on Monday, November 24 at 11 a.m. PT with a live Q&A with Erin Egan, Face...

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Thanks for everyone’s feedback on the updates to our terms and policies. We're reviewing your comments now, and we'll post the final updates here soon.

We wanted to let you know we're proposing updates to our terms, data policy and cookies policy. We're doing this to reflect some new features that help you connect with people you care about, and to make the documents clear and easy to read. Please take a look.

Earlier this week, Rob Sherman from our privacy team joined Katherine Tassi, Head of Data Protection for Facebook Ireland, to answer some of your questions about recent proposed updates to our Data Use Policy and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Click the link below to watch the webcast.…

We hope you’ll join us tomorrow (Tuesday, December 4) at 9:30 a.m. PST / 5:30 p.m. GMT for a live webcast with members of our Facebook team about recent proposed updates to our Data Use Policy and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Visit this link -- -- to watch and ask questions (starting now) by clicking the "Talk to Us" button.

The Official Page for Facebook's Washington DC Office...

To view the recent updates to our Facebook Payments Terms and Developer Payments Terms, please check out the links below:

Voting ends tomorrow, June 8 at 9:00 am (PDT) on the proposed updates to our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and Data Use Policy. If you haven't voted yet - please vote! We encourage you to participate and make your voice heard.

Read our updates and notes to learn more about our site governance documents and proposed changes.

Thank you to those of you have voted on the proposed updates to our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and Data Use Policy. If you haven't voted yet - please vote! As a reminder, the voting period ends on Friday, June 8 at 9:00 AM (PDT). We encourage you to participate and make your voice heard.

Read our updates and notes to learn more about our site governance documents and proposed changes.
Everything you need to know about Facebook policies, all in one place.
Everything you need to know about Facebook policies, all in one place.

Did you know that you can download a copy of all the information you’ve ever posted to Facebook? In October 2010, we launched Download Your Information, which enables you to download an archive of your photos, posts and messages. It’s located in your “Account Settings” and, if you ever decide to close your Facebook account, you can use this feature to keep a copy of your information or to take it to another service.

Image may contain: text

The comment period for the proposed changes to the Privacy Policy is now complete. Thank you for your participation. We’ve adopted the proposed changes, and you can find the new document here.

We wanted to make sure you saw this post and have time to review, so we are extending the comment period. We are proposing edits to the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities to improve your control over your information and to make our practices more clear. We’ve posted the changes for comment under the "Documents" tab of the Facebook Site Governance Page. We encourage you to read them and leave any comments by 5:00 PM PDT on September 30, 2010.

Facebook Site Governance
2,637 talking about this

As part of our open and transparent system of governance, we share proposed updates to our governing documents before they are enacted and give people an opportunity to comment. We’ve posted the changes for comment under the "Documents" tab of the Facebook Site Governance Page. We encourage you to read them and hope you’ll agree they are an improvement. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please leave any comments you may have by 5:00 PM PDT on September 23, 2010.

Facebook Site Governance
2,637 talking about this