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#ZAD #NDDL April 30: Waiting for May 14…

On Saturday we arrived at the ZAD again. A lot has changed since the last time we were here. On May 14 the ultimatum will end…

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Does it circulate well enough on la #ZAD #NDDL ! … or not ? far far west road management

At some roads the barricades are in 2 parts now, so neighbours can pass

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#ZAD #NDDL April 29: Cat and mouse with the cops

Yesterday we arrived at the ZAD again. We will produce a podcast in the coming week but also publish a daily short report. Today there was a cat and mouse game with the cops.

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Repression in #Russia: “Are You a Bitch Yet?” FSB Makes New Threats to Framed and Tortured Antifascist Viktor Filinkov

On April 20, 2018, the Russian Investigative Committee officially declined to open a criminal case on the basis of a complaint filed by Viktor Filinkov, one of the young men accused in The Network case, who alleged he had been tortured by FSB officers. Moreover, these very same FSB officers are permitted to visit him in remand prison. OVD Info has published, below, the account Filinkov gave to his lawyer of how the secret service officers who tortured him now talk to him.

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#NDDL #ZAD: After the gesture towards dialogue made by the movement, the government must end its threats!

Press Release, signed by many organizations: NDDL ZAD: After the gesture towards dialogue made by the movement, the government must end its threats!

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Housing in New Zealand/Aotearoa: Rhetoric .v. Action

New Zealand/ Aotearoa: With much fanfare the Labour-led government announced in its first budget major changes to supposedly assist beneficiaries who are struggling with housing costs. On April 1st, 2018, the changes, especially to the Accommodation Supplement, took effect but it quickly became apparent the government had given with one hand and taken away with the other.

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#Athens: Fascist attack against Migrants Social Center #Steki

Statement by Steki Migrants Social Center about the fascist attack against the center in Exarcheia, Athens.

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One Million Hands Flourishing: #Nicaragua and the Neverending Task of Planting

The indigenous neighborhood of Monimbo in Masaya, Nicaragua and has a long legacy of resistance. Masaya is located less than an hour Southeast of the capital, Managua. In 1978, the people of Monimbo barricaded themselves, used makeshift weapons and prevented the National Guard from coming into the city, winning the first major victory for the Sandinistas as they were able to take control of an urban city. Forty years later, the people of Monimbo barricaded themselves with paving stones and were able to prevent riot police from entering. The next day however, they had lost most of the city to riot police. Masaya, the city where I am from, has become a battlefield where police attack citizens.

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Fortress Europe: Bare Life kicked out of Morocco

Report about the work with refugees and migrants of Bare Life. Fortress Europe and the state of Morocco don’t want to have any eyewitnesses so Bare Life was kicked out of Morocco.

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