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'Besotted' trainer wanted to kill lover's partner, court told

'Besotted' trainer wanted to kill lover's partner, court told

An adult entertainment stalwart has told a murder trial that her personal trainer said he wanted to kill lover's boyfriend.

  • by Tammy Mills

Opinion & Perspectives

Is President Donald Trump about to talk himself into an impeachment?

The topic du jour may be Rudy Giuliani's bombshell about Stormy Daniels, but the more important story remains the Russia scandal

Jonathan Bernstein

    Email: nothing more than an interruption?

    Almost a third of our time is spent doing nothing but managing the darn things.

    James Adonis

      The one thing wrong with this MP's personal choice

      Tim Hammond has retired to spend more time with his kids. It's a terrible choice for anyone to have to make.

      Clementine Ford
        Clementine Ford


        Pallas budget a con, 'not worth paper it's written on' say Liberals

        Pallas budget a con, 'not worth paper it's written on' say Liberals

        Shadow treasurer Michael O’Brien says Labor's budget position is built on a series of “cons” and is set to end in collapse.

        • by Noel Towell
        Road rage: New lanes, new insults between Spring Street and Canberra

        Road rage: New lanes, new insults between Spring Street and Canberra

        Federal Coalition accuses Victorian government of trying to explain away its infrastructure failures with fanciful excuses.

        • by Noel Towell