• Forum software everyone can love.

    MyBB powers hundreds of thousands of engaging, powerful, and unique communities across the internet.

  • Extremely easy to use.

    Much thought has gone into MyBB's interface to make it simple, intuitive, and an absolute joy to use.

  • Take control of your forum.

    MyBB offers powerful moderation and administration features to keep your forum in tip-top shape, just the way you like it.

  • Customize everything.

    With an extensive range of plugins and a built-in theme and template editor, adding new features or an entirely new coat of paint is simple.

MyBB Features and Highlights

Popular Features

MyBB Admin Control Panel

Complete control

MyBB's extensive Admin Control Panel gives you the power to tweak your forum to just how you like it.

MyBB discussion thread


Much care and attention has been given to the entire software to keep discussions in the forefront.

MyBB private conversation

Personal and interactive

Private messages let you share a conversation with just a small group of people.

MyBB User Control Panel

Clean, simple, and powerful

Don't let MyBB's ease of use fool you. It packs powerful features without any of the clutter.

Take a tour of MyBB's features →

MyBB is the free and open source, intuitive, extensible, and incredibly powerful forum software you've been looking for.

With everything from forums to threads, posts to private messages, search to profiles, and reputation to warnings, MyBB features everything you need to run an efficient and captivating community. Through plugins and themes, you can extend MyBB's functionality to build your community exactly as you'd like it.

Learn more about MyBB's features →

Join the MyBB community

Get tips, tricks, plugins, themes, support… and so much more

The community makes MyBB what it is; without the community, MyBB would be nothing. MyBB's community forums offer official support, user tutorials, collections of community-created themes, plugins, and modifications, and discussion about almost anything.

Check out the MyBB Community Forums →

Using another forum software?

Switching is easy, fast, and well-supported.

MyBB's Merge System allows you to easily convert from popular forum softwares. Download the MyBB Merge System →