28 April 2018
Trump lauds “declaration for peace” on Korean Peninsula
By James Cogan, 28 April 2018
The political shift in barely two months—from ominous threats of war to the Korean leaders hugging each other—is a measure of the volatility produced by growing US-China tensions.
North and South Korea hold “peace” summit
Arizona teachers rally for second day, further walkout expected Monday
By David Moore, 28 April 2018
As in West Virginia and Oklahoma, the unions in Arizona are doing everything they can to shut down the struggle as quickly as possible.
Arizona strike biggest yet in teachers’ revolt in US
“If we did this nationally, we'd have greater success”
Striking Arizona teachers speak out
The teachers’ struggle spreads to Arizona and Colorado
Graduate student-workers strike faces continued intransigence from Columbia University
By Steve Light and Alan Whyte, 28 April 2018
Three thousand graduate student workers at Columbia University in New York City are continuing their strike amidst an expanding wave of teacher protests throughout the US and internationally.
Teachers union celebrates alliance with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo
By Fred Mazelis, 28 April 2018
The union’s embrace of Cuomo is a sharp warning to teachers in New York and across the US.
Israel again opens fire on Gaza protesters, killing three and wounding hundreds
By Will Morrow, 28 April 2018
For the fifth Friday in a row, the Israeli army rained gunfire on thousands of unarmed protesters in Gaza, bringing the number killed since March 30 to 45.
The slaughter in Gaza and the crisis of Israel on its 70th anniversary
UAW executives are “nothing more than fat cats collecting huge checks”
Autoworkers denounce company-UAW scheme to hire low-paid workers in the face of mass layoffs
By Tim Rivers, 28 April 2018
Autoworkers have begun to fight back by sharing articles across social media in a storm of protest.
Ford announces plans to slash US car production, cut billions in costs
After mass layoffs at Ohio plant, UAW gives GM greenlight to hire lower-paid temps
Refinery explosions rock Texas and Wisconsin
By Trévon Austin, 28 April 2018
The two explosions released tons of toxic material into the air, posing serious health risks.
Video shows police attacking former NFL player in Atlanta parking lot
By Alec Andersen, 28 April 2018
The police assault on Desmond Marrow is hardly unique in the United States, where police are notorious for their violence and contempt for democratic rights.
Ontario Liberals give boost to Unifor union raiding strategy
By Carl Bronski, 28 April 2018
The new Labour Relations Board regulation is yet another illustration of the intimate ties between the big business Liberals and the country’s largest industrial union.
German Chancellor Merkel and Donald Trump hold tense meeting in Washington
By Peter Schwarz, 28 April 2018
While the meeting appeared superficially friendly, Trump made no concessions on the fundamental issues discussed.
UK: Brexit divisions threaten government defeat
By Chris Marsden, 28 April 2018
The prime minister is under pressure from both sides of her party to clarify her position on the customs union, the mechanism allowing goods to be transported tariff-free between European Union member states.
UK universities being integrated into military-security apparatus
By Thomas Scripps, 28 April 2018
In addition to commercial relations with the military-industrial complex, universities are working closely with the armed forces to provide education and recruitment opportunities.
Australian government prepares budget and possible early election
By Mike Head, 28 April 2018
Such an election would be the latest attempt to install a government that can carry through a far deeper assault on social spending, as well as prepare for potential trade wars and wars.
After Washington briefings, Australian Labor Party reiterates support for “foreign interference” bills
New Zealand prime minister strengthens military ties with France
By Tom Peters, 28 April 2018
Jacinda Ardern sought increased military cooperation with France and Britain in the Pacific, to push back against China’s strategic and economic influence.
New in Russian
Премьер-министр Армении подает в отставку на фоне массовых протестов
Клара Вайс, 28 апреля 2018 г.
Расположенная на богатом нефтью Кавказе, Армения погружена в глубокий политический кризис, который проевропейская оппозиция пытается использовать для продвижения своей повестки дня.
Эта неделя в истории
25 лет назад: Крестовый поход во имя «прав человека» с требованием бомбежки сербов
28 апреля 2018 г.
26 апреля 1993 года президент США Билл Клинтон отдал приказ, согласно которому США присоединялись к санкциям против Югославии, введенным Организацией объединенных наций.
New in Turkish
Ermenistan başbakanı kitlesel protestoların ardından istifa etti
Clara Weiss, 28 Nisan 2018
Ermenistan’daki siyasi kriz, bu ülkenin sınırlarının çok ötesinde sonuçlara sahiptir.
New in Norwegian
Streikende jernbanearbeidere og flypersonale paralyserer Frankrike
våre reportere, 28 April 2018
De streikende transportarbeiderne fikk tilslutning av studenter som protesterte mot Macron-regjeringens angrep på offentlig utdanning.
Spanske partier samler seg bak krav om undertrykking av katalanske nasjonalister
Alejandro López og Paul Michell, 28 April 2018
Mens klassekampen intensiveres blir den katalanske krisen anvendt til å kriminalisere all politisk og sosial opposisjon.
Regionalguvernør Tuleev trekker seg etter Kemerovo-brannen i Russland
Clara Weiss, 28 April 2018
Kemerovo-brannen har brutalt eksponert klasserelasjonene i Russland og utløst en pågående politisk krise.
Tyskland: Hvorfor forsvarer avisa taz ytrehøyreideologen Baberowski?
Christoph Vandreier, 28 April 2018
Veteranjournalisten Edith Kresta har uttalt seg mot «moralsk sekterisme» i forhold til ytrehøyreinnstillinger og mot stigmatisering av fremmedfiendtlige fordommer.
IYSSE Berlin protesterer mot professor Baberowskis undertrykking av demokratisk debatt ved Humboldt Universitet
IYSSE Berlin, 28 April 2018
Brevet som publiseres her sendte Internasjonal ungdom og studenter for sosial likestilling (IYSSE) til styret ved Humboldt Universitet i Berlin.
New in French
La grève en Arizona est jusqu’ici la révolte la plus forte des enseignants aux États-Unis
David Moore, 28 avril 2018
Les enseignants d’Arizona ont lance leur première grève dans l’histoire de l’État alors que les enseignants de Colorado débrayent et que la lutte des enseignants s’amplifie.
Le Parti démocrate et la confirmation de Mike Pompeo
Patrick Martin, 28 avril 2018
Le parti d’« opposition » officiel a ouvert la voie à l’installation d’un défenseur de la guerre, de la surveillance de masse et de la torture en tant que nouveau secrétaire d’État américain.
New in German
Mike Pompeo mit Stimmen der Demokratischen Partei als US- Außenminister bestätigt
Patrick Martin, 28. April 2018
Die nominelle „Oppositionspartei“ hat einem Verfechter von Krieg, Massenbespitzelung und Folter den Weg ins US- Außenministerium geebnet.
Beschleunigte Abschiebungen stoßen auf Widerstand
Marianne Arens, 28. April 2018
Die Große Koalition von SPD und CDU/CSU beschleunigt ihre Deportationsmaschinerie, doch in der Bevölkerung regt sich immer mehr Widerstand dagegen.
Merkel schwenkt auf Trumps Konfrontationskurs gegen den Iran ein
Peter Schwarz, 28. April 2018
Das Treffen von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel und US-Präsident Trump lief der Form nach freundlich ab, doch inhaltlich machte Trump in den entscheidenden Fragen keinerlei Zugeständnisse.
Video: Auschwitz und heute
Ein Interview mit Esther Bejarano
Sven Wurm, 28. April 2018
Die Auschwitz-Überlebende Esther Bejarano weiß, was Faschismus bedeutet und engagiert sich deshalb seit Jahrzehnten im Kampf gegen Rechts. Regelmäßig besucht sie Schulen in ganz Deutschland, um ihre Erfahrungen im Nationalsozialismus mit jüngeren Generationen zu teilen und über die Verbrechen der Nazis aufzuklären.
Bisher größter Streik der amerikanischen Lehrerrebellion
David Moore, 28. April 2018
Es ist der erste landesweite Lehrerstreik in der Geschichte Arizonas. Der Kampf der amerikanischen Lehrer weitet sich aus: Auch im benachbarten Colorado haben die Lehrer die Arbeit niedergelegt.
Meeting in Detroit zu Krieg, Internetzensur und Klassenkampf
unseren Reportern, 28. April 2018
Die Socialist Equality Party und International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) luden am 22. April zur Versammlung an der Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan ein.
New in Spanish
El Partido Demócrata y la confirmación de Mike Pompeo
Por Patrick Martin, 28 abril 2018
El partido de la supuesta “oposición” abrió el camino para la instalación de un nuevo secretario de Estado que aboga por la guerra, el espionaje masivo y la tortura.
La huelga de Arizona es la más grande aún en la rebelión de los maestros en EUA
Por David Brown, 28 abril 2018
Los maestros de Arizona lanzaron su primera huelga en la historia del estado mientras que los educadores en el vecino Colorado hacen abandono de sus aulas mientras la lucha de los maestros continúa creciendo.
Facebook codifica su régimen de censura
Por Andre Damon, 28 abril 2018
El monopolio de las redes sociales ha dejado claro que no dejará que sus usuarios sepan que se bloquea la distribución de su contenido como “noticias falsas” porque tal censura es un “tema sensible”.
Alemania: el sindicato IG Metall sabotea la lucha de los trabajadores por defender sus puestos de trabajo
Por Ulrich Rippert, 28 abril 2018
Los trabajadores automotores de Opel en Alemania se enfrentan a recortes masivos de puestos de trabajo y salarios junto a un drástico deterioro en sus condiciones laborales.
Miles de sirios enterrados en los escombros seis meses después de la destrucción de Raqqa por parte de EUA
Por Will Morrow, 28 abril 2018
Los mismos medios de comunicación y Gobiernos que sin parar denuncian atrocidades de los Gobiernos sirio y ruso ignoran los crímenes de guerra de EUA en Raqqa.
Ben Carson: "La pobreza, en gran medida, también es un estado de ánimo"
El secretario de vivienda de Estados Unidos propone triplicar el alquiler para los hogares más pobres
Por Kate Randall, 28 abril 2018
La propuesta de Carson se produce en medio de una crisis de vivienda que está forzando a millones a vivir en condiciones miserables e impulsando a un número creciente de personas a la falta de vivienda.
New in Arabic
لا لحرب عالمية ثالثة ! وفي سبيل بناء حركة اشتراكية مناهضة للحرب.
١٦ نيسان أبريل ٢٠١٨
خلال الأيام التي مرت منذ قيام الولايات المتحدة والناتو بقصف مدينتي دمشق وحمص السوريتين بأكثر من مائة صاروخ ، صار من الواضح أن القوى الإمبريالية لم تكن راضية عن إراقة الدماء الأخير.
New in Italian
No alla Terza Guerra Mondiale! Per la costruzione di un movimento socialista contro la guerra!
Dichiarazione della redazione editoriale del World Socialist Web Site, 26 aprile 2018
L’assalto da parte delle potenze imperialiste sulla Siria è solo il preludio di un conflitto più ampio e sanguinoso contro Iran, Russia e Cina.
Other Languages
- Das Blutbad im Gazastreifen und die Krise Israels am 70. Jahrestag der Staatsgründung (25.04.2018)
- Macron sagt unbegrenzten Krieg in Syrien zu (25.04.2018)
- Bundeswehr schafft bewaffnete Drohnen an (25.04.2018)
- Demokratische Partei und CIA gegen Julian Assange (24.04.2018)
- SPD wählt Nahles zur Parteivorsitzenden (24.04.2018)
- Opel Eisenach in Gefahr – PSA-Opel-Management Hand in Hand mit IG Metall und Betriebsrat (24.04.2018)
- Die USA stellen dem IWF in Handelsfragen ein Ultimatum (24.04.2018)
- Soziale Ungleichheit und Oligarchie in den USA und Europa (23.04.2018)
- US-Demokraten vermengen in Klageschrift Trump und Assange als Agenten Russlands (23.04.2018)
- Merkel-Macron-Gipfel: Wachsende Differenzen zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich (21.04.2018)
- Français
- Au moins 10 personnes tuées dans une attaque à la voiture-bélier contre des piétons à Toronto (25.04.2018)
- Les quinze ans du World Socialist Web Site : 1998-2013 (..NaN)
- Le gouvernement fédéral et les gouvernements des États américains font la guerre aux travailleurs et aux pauvres (25.04.2018)
- Le patronat canadien demande à Trudeau de réprimer l’opposition à l’oléoduc Trans Mountain (25.04.2018)
- Les Etats-Unis lancent des ultimatums au FMI sur le commerce (24.04.2018)
- Merkel et Macron se rencontrent à Berlin alors que la frappe en Syrie aggrave les conflits au sein de l’OTAN (24.04.2018)
- Le SEP et l’IYSSE organisent une réunion sur la guerre, la lutte des classes et la lutte contre la censure sur Internet (24.04.2018)
- Les démocrates intensifient la chasse aux sorcières contre la Russie
Une poursuite accuse Trump et Assange d’être des agents russes (23.04.2018) - La frappe des États-Unis contre la Syrie enflamme les tensions à propos de la Corée (23.04.2018)
- L’appareil américain des renseignements et de l’armée pousse à de nouvelles frappes contre la Syrie (21.04.2018)
- Español
- La masacre en Gaza y la crisis de Israel en su 70º aniversario (25.04.2018)
- Las protestas crecen en Nicaragua después de que Ortega suspendiera recortes a pensiones (25.04.2018)
- Los demócratas de la CIA contra Julian Assange (24.04.2018)
- Falta dinero para docentes y libros de texto, pero…
CEOs, bancos y empresas cada vez con más plata (24.04.2018) - Estados Unidos lanza un ultimatum al FMI respecto a comercio (24.04.2018)
- Veintisiete muertos en medio de represión del Gobierno sandinista en Nicaragua (24.04.2018)
- Palantir Technologies: una “startup respaldada por la CIA” (24.04.2018)
- El ataque liderado por los EUA contra Siria enardece las tensiones sobre Corea (23.04.2018)
- Los demócratas intensifican la caza de brujas contra Rusia con una demanda judicial que vincula a Trump y a Assange como agentes rusos (23.04.2018)
- El Premio Pulitzer recompensa la caza de brujas y la propaganda estatal (23.04.2018)
- Русский
- Нет Третьей мировой войне! За построение социалистического антивоенного движения! (21.04.2018)
- Мировая экономика стоит перед угрозой «развала» (20.04.2018)
- США и их империалистические союзники нанесли ракетные удары по Сирии (19.04.2018)
- Молчаливое соучастие псевдо-левых в войне против Сирии и России (12.04.2018)
- Космолог Стивен Хокинг уходит из жизни в возрасте 76 лет (11.04.2018)
- Губернатор Тулеев уходит в отставку после пожара в Кемерово (10.04.2018)
- Учитель из Северной Калифорнии была отправлена в вынужденный отпуск после проведения в классе дискуссии о школьных акциях протеста (07.04.2018)
- Эта неделя в истории
25 лет назад: Саммит Клинтона-Ельцина разрабатывает план распродажи российской экономики (07.04.2018) - Ложь империалистических держав в деле Скрипаля рушится (06.04.2018)
- Протесты против чиновников вспыхивают после пожара в Кемерово (04.04.2018)
- Português
- Trump e Jerusalém: o fim da farsa no processo de paz do Oriente Médio (10.03.2018)
- Conflitos dentro da classe dominante dos EUA se intensificam após Flynn declarar-se culpado (10.03.2018)
- A extrema-direita e a virada em direção ao militarismo na Alemanha (10.03.2018)
- O governo Trump intensifica as ameaças de “destruição total” da Coréia do Norte (10.03.2018)
- Prestes a terminar seu mandato, presidente do Fed procura reconfortar mercados enquanto adverte sobre crise da dívida e desigualdade social (26.02.2018)
- Três meses após o furacão Harvey: Dezenas de milhares ainda sem-teto após o pior desastre natural na história dos EUA (26.02.2018)
- O Partido Socialista pela Igualdade na Alemanha exige novas eleições (26.02.2018)
- Eric Schmidt do Google admite censura política de resultados de busca (26.02.2018)
- Audiência no Senado americano expõe perigo de guerra nuclear (22.02.2018)
- Como não lutar contra o juiz Roy Moore (22.02.2018)
- 中文
- >>
“Old Europe” comes to Washington
28 April 2018
Fifteen years ago, the European powers opposed the US-British invasion of Iraq. Now they are scrambling to serve as junior partners in the new carve-up of the Middle East.
US election meddling in the age of the Internet
How Google, Facebook and Twitter are manipulating the Mexican presidential elections—Part 1
By Alex González and Andrea Lobo, 28 April 2018
The United States is now engaged in advanced efforts to exploit data on every voter in the country, as well as user data from Google and the social media companies, to influence the elections of its southern neighbor.
The Democratic Party and the confirmation of Mike Pompeo
By Patrick Martin, 27 April 2018
The growing threat of an Israeli war against Iran
By Bill Van Auken, 26 April 2018
European Central Bank points to slowing economic growth
Addressing US Congress, Macron backs neocolonial carve-up of Middle East
NY Times, Mark Rudd on anniversary of Columbia U sit-in: Socialist revolution is a “fantasy”
By Patrick Martin, 26 April 2018
Socialist Equality Party
Workers and youth denounce Sri Lankan May Day ban
By our correspondents, 27 April 2018
SEP and IYSSE members are winning important support for their campaign against the government’s prohibition on celebrations of the international workers’ day.
Oppose the Sri Lankan government’s ban on May Day celebrations
By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 25 April 2018
Resolutions of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia) Fourth National Congress
The SEP and the Political Independence of the Working Class
20 April 2018
Workers Struggles
Foreign workers protest dormitory overcrowding in Taiwan
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
28 April 2018
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.
Arts Review
2018 San Francisco International Film Festival—Part 3
Poverty, war and right-wing politics—and the lives of two artists
I Am Not a Witch, The Workshop, The Distant Barking of Dogs, Garry Winogrand and Louise Lecavalier
2018 San Francisco International Film Festival—Part 1
Contemporary life, and those who make films about it (in Iran, the US, Russia, Switzerland, Kyrgyzstan …)
2018 San Francisco International Film Festival—Part 2
How are striking miners (Bisbee ’17), a great painter (Gauguin: Voyage to Tahiti), Native Americans (The Rider) and others treated by the filmmakers?
Interview with conductor William Barkhymer: “I think the world is just thankful we had Gershwin to compose Porgy and Bess”
By Barry Grey, 25 April 2018
The legacy of the Gershwins and Porgy and Bess
An interview with Marc George Gershwin and Michael Strunsky, nephews of George and Ira Gershwin
Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship
Meeting in Sydney this Sunday April 29
Organise Resistance to Internet Censorship! Free Julian Assange!
14 April 2018
Facebook codifies its censorship regime
By Andre Damon, 25 April 2018
SEP and IYSSE hold meeting on war, the class struggle and the fight against Internet censorship
By our reporter, 23 April 2018
Workers, students speak out against war, censorship and inequality at Detroit meeting
The CIA Democrats vs. Julian Assange
By Patrick Martin, 23 April 2018
For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists
23 January 2018
SEP 2018 Election Campaign
Unite the working class against police killings!
By David Moore: SEP candidate for US Senate from California, 19 April 2018
Oppose California Democratic Governor Jerry Brown’s national guard deployment!
Statement of Socialist Equality Party Senate and Congressional candidates
By David Moore and Kevin Mitchell, 12 April 2018
SEP congressional candidates hold initial meetings in San Diego and Berkeley
By Evan Blake, 10 April 2018
New dates in Newark and Tracy
Public meetings in California: The Socialist Equality Party campaign in the 2018 midterm elections
Socialist Equality Party announces California candidates in midterm elections
Statement of the Socialist Equality Party
The Grenfell Tower Fire
London residents speak out on Grenfell fire
By our reporters, 24 April 2018
Mehring Books
Mehring Books publishes The CIA Democrats
7 April 2018
Mehring Books has published The CIA Democrats, a detailed exposure of the effective takeover of the 2018 Democratic Party congressional campaign by candidates drawn from the ranks of former intelligence agents, special forces operatives, veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and civilian national security operatives from the State Department, National Security Council and Pentagon.
WSWS 20th Anniversary
Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018
By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018
As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.
Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution
By David North, 19 March 2018
David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.
Follow the WSWS