OCAP | Contact Us
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty is a direct action anti-poverty organization that fights for more shelter beds, social housing, and a raise in social assistance rates.
poverty, homelessness, housing, social assistance, ontario works, odsp, anti-poverty. ocap. ontario coalition against poverty, shelters,
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The best way to reach is to call us on our office phone at 416-925-6939. If you get the answering machine, leave a detailed message and we will call you back. You can also email us at ocap (at) tao.ca.

Office Location, Phone and Fax:
Our office is located at Sherbourne and  Carlton. The address is:
157 Carlton Street, Unit 201
Toronto, ON. M5A 2K3
Office Line: 416-925-6939
Fax: 1-855-714-0566

The office is located on the second floor of the building and we regret that it isn’t wheelchair accessible. Where necessary, we are happy to make appointments to meet at accessible locations. All of our meetings are held in wheelchair accessible locations.