Justice for Johany! Rally and March

Friday, November 16th
12:00 PM
Holyoke Center
1350 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA
Facebook Event

In March and April, long-term Harvard employee Johany Pilar reported being sexually harassed at work. In May she was threatened with "big, big problems," by a manager. In September she was told verbally and in writing she could be fired, the first discipline she received since she started at Harvard in 1998! Shortly after a picket in October, at which two of Johany's co-workers spoke up for her in public, all three were informed they are now considered "essential staff," meaning they have to work during emergencies, like during the recent hurricane, when almost everyone else gets the day off. These workers were never considered "essential" until they helped publicize Johany's treatment. This is another example of the tit-for-tat retaliation which management has sunk to ever since Johany stood up against rape culture in the workplace.

Johany has a heart condition and will have trouble working during emergencies. We need to show Harvard they can't retaliate against her for standing up for her rights on the job!