- published: 28 Oct 2016
- views: 4105971
Amber An (Chinese: 安心亞; pinyin: Ānxīn yà), born Liao Ching-ling (Chinese: 廖婧伶; pinyin: Liào jìng líng), is a Taiwanese model, singer and actress.
In 2011, An was voted the world's sexiest woman in the Taiwanese version of magazine FHM.
As of 2014, she was a Taiwan Fund for Children and Families's Child Protection Ambassador.
A music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery, produced for promotional or artistic purposes. Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. There are also cases where songs are used in tie in marketing campaigns that allow them to become more than just a song. Tie ins and merchandising could be used in toys are marketing campaigns for food and other products. Although the origins of music videos date back to musical short films that first appeared in the 1920s, they came into prominence in the 1980s when MTV based their format around the medium. Prior to the 1980s, these works were described by various terms including "illustrated song", "filmed insert", "promotional (promo) film", "promotional clip", "promotional video", "song video", "song clip" or "film clip". Since the creation and increased popularity of YouTube, mainstream artists now promote new music videos by releasing trailers of short promos on the site for their upcoming song and music video. Consequentially, YouTube has been converted into a social media platform for celebrities and artists to market themselves to their fans and audiences.
[數位音樂連結] iTunes:https://goo.gl/Wclds3 Spotify:https://goo.gl/8M8VMW KKBOX:https://goo.gl/UT0WCx myMusic:https://goo.gl/AxwqT5 Omusic:https://goo.gl/8RpKsg MOOV:https://goo.gl/iuAgDQ hmvPlay:https://goo.gl/rHqqI9 JOOX(網頁版):https://goo.gl/Nirx4U JOOX(手機版):https://goo.gl/6MGb4t ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《靚仔 Handsome Guy》MV拍攝花絮 https://youtu.be/DVj8ODeqMKM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 人生太無常 必須要漂亮 人生太短暫 絕對要性感 性感甜心安心亞 第四張音樂作品 [人生要漂亮] 華語音樂頂尖陣容: 阿弟仔/馬毓芬/倪子岡/林邁可/姚謙/ 葛大為/嚴云農/小寒等聯手漂亮出擊 安心亞睽違2年新專輯《人生要漂亮》,首波抒情新歌《別再撐了》請到金曲獎得主李榮浩譜寫跨刀,第2波改打舞曲《靚仔》,破天荒請到亞洲流行天王羅志祥合體,成為2016華語樂壇最猛爆新組合,導演廖人帥特別在颱風拉警報時,搭建了沙漠夕陽舞台,並出動限量悍馬車,煙火、噴火特效齊放,載歌載舞連拍24小時。 《靚仔》透露安心亞漂亮心哲學二部曲,她想跟大家分享,「外貌不是最重要,兩人合不合拍,肩膀可不可靠,才是正港的『靚仔』! ●更多安心亞消息...
[數位音樂連結] iTunes:https://goo.gl/Wclds3 Spotify:https://goo.gl/8M8VMW KKBOX:https://goo.gl/UT0WCx myMusic:https://goo.gl/AxwqT5 Omusic:https://goo.gl/8RpKsg MOOV:https://goo.gl/iuAgDQ hmvPlay:https://goo.gl/rHqqI9 JOOX(網頁版):https://goo.gl/Nirx4U JOOX(手機版):https://goo.gl/6MGb4t ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 人生太無常 必須要漂亮 人生太短暫 絕對要性感 性感甜心安心亞 第四張音樂作品 [人生要漂亮] 華語音樂頂尖陣容: 阿弟仔/馬毓芬/倪子岡/林邁可/姚謙/ 葛大為/嚴云農/小寒等聯手漂亮出擊 首波主打《別再撐了》有「金光閃閃」,特別邀請到金曲獎最佳新人獎得主李榮浩量身打造詞曲,並有兩屆金馬獎最佳男配角入圍柯宇綸出演MV男主角,更由金曲獎最佳音樂錄影帶大導黃中平為她親自操刀掌鏡,安心亞在《別再撐了》MV中演技大爆發,一秒落淚震撼柯宇綸,讚她有如「神技」。 《別再撐了》MV中,安心亞飾演柯宇綸癡心的前女友,分手後在好友的婚禮中重逢,受到新人誓詞的氣氛催化,安心亞感動得哭起來,但心中始終缺了一角,因為柯宇綸逕行離開了禮堂。但片刻後當柯出現在她家門口,心亞心中燃起那麼一絲希望,不料他只是順道來取回分手後仍放在她家的東西….,看著一明一滅的燈泡,心亞不禁想到往事,有次她換這盞燈泡不慎失手,剛好進門的宇綸馬上衝過來,邊收拾碎片邊安慰:「寶貝,以後我來換就好了」,更細心為她的傷口塗藥包...
[數位音樂連結] iTunes:https://goo.gl/Wclds3 Spotify:https://goo.gl/8M8VMW KKBOX:https://goo.gl/UT0WCx myMusic:https://goo.gl/AxwqT5 Omusic:https://goo.gl/8RpKsg MOOV:https://goo.gl/iuAgDQ hmvPlay:https://goo.gl/rHqqI9 JOOX(網頁版):https://goo.gl/Nirx4U JOOX(手機版):https://goo.gl/6MGb4t ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 人生太無常 必須要漂亮 人生太短暫 絕對要性感 性感甜心安心亞 第四張音樂作品 [人生要漂亮] 華語音樂頂尖陣容: 阿弟仔/馬毓芬/倪子岡/林邁可/姚謙/ 葛大為/嚴云農/小寒等聯手漂亮出擊 ●更多安心亞消息: 美妙音樂臉書:https://www.facebook.com/wdfmusic 美妙音樂官方Youtube頻道:https://www.youtube.com/user/wdfmusic 安心亞官方臉書:https://www.facebook.com/amber.fans 安心亞官方Youtube頻道:http://www.youtube.com/user/amberan0918 安心亞Instagram:http://instagram.com/amberber_an
你所不知道的安心亞★第3張突破大碟【在一起With You】 安心亞【在一起】 全台簽名簽唱會 --9/20(六)-- 14:00屏東光南 16:00高雄五大唱片瑞豐店 18:30台南五大唱片北門店 --9/21(日)-- 16:00 彰化光南 18:30逢甲歡樂星(簽唱) --10/5(日)-- 14:00台北聯合醫院(簽唱) ----------------------------------------- 歐陸電音舞曲 安心亞首度嘗試酷辣唱腔「女孩,站出來!」 女孩們當自強 “Girls Only” Party在一起 【女孩,站出來-數位上線】 -KKBOX http://kkbox.fm/Ja0MlB -Omusic http://goo.gl/idavU5 -myMusic http://goo.gl/Ykcu7d ----------------------------- 「女孩,站出來!」是安心亞第一次聽到demo就非常喜歡堅持要收錄的舞曲 作曲者來自英國,歐陸電音曲風非常熱鬧酷炫,安心亞也首度嘗試酷辣唱腔, 以酷酷的態度來唱出女生自立自強、無論失戀或任何打擊都打不倒的心態, 呼叫所有女生們一起來party,姐妹們開心在一起! 有趣的是,這首歌的中文歌名原本唱片公司想了許多選項都難以決定, 最後由於安心亞所想出來的「女孩,站出來!」最符合歌曲態度而雀屏中選,讓她非常得意! ----------------------------------- 9/3 開始預購‧9/19一起發行 實體預購請至全家便利商店及各大唱片、光南大批發 網路購買: 五大唱片 http://goo.gl/7Rl8Qy 大眾玫瑰 http://goo.gl/6qN08r 佳佳唱片 http://goo.gl/9Y0HqP 博客來 http://goo.gl/Emy...
20161116 完全娛樂 更多偶像獨家請訂閱完全娛樂youtube頻道→ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX9VHpN62jkqCCntHxymPOA?sub_confirmation=1
安心亞來到Fendi大秀,興奮採訪了看秀嘉賓蔡依林,兩人除了討論參加米蘭時裝週的看秀心情,超級好看的大衣外套讓兩人秀後都直呼!想買啦! ✨ 喜歡影片請記得幫我們按讚+訂閱 http://bit.ly/2eoVk7R✌ -------------------------------------------- √ 女星分享彩妝密技&化妝包裡的秘密 ►http://bit.ly/2i1v1UQ √ 素人改造3步驟!化身超正女孩非難事 ►http://bit.ly/2eNdwmL √ 瘦腿、塑腰、練翹臀!最多減肥資訊看這裡► http://bit.ly/2f7qFHW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ⊙ VOGUE Fb粉絲專頁:http://smarturl.it/qo9tkf ⊙ VOGUE 官網影音專區:http://www.vogue.com.tw/live/ ⊙ The Scene Fb粉絲專頁:http://smarturl.it/pdjxq0 ⊙ GQ 官網:http://www.gq.com.tw/ ⊙ GQ Fb粉絲專頁:http://smarturl.it/r9gauv ⊙ VOGUE Beauty美人會 Fb粉絲專頁:http://bit.ly/2hogSAs
安心亞參加Bvlgari新品發表活動再度巧遇JOLIN蔡依林!兩人不但開始大聊購物經, 哪些東西必買必吃交換米蘭心得,可見兩人在米蘭都收穫滿滿, 兩位女神還都在會場看上同一款包!大家猜猜女神們都愛的是哪款呢? ✨ 喜歡影片請記得幫我們按讚+訂閱 http://bit.ly/2eoVk7R✌ -------------------------------------------- √ 女星分享彩妝密技&化妝包裡的秘密 ►http://bit.ly/2i1v1UQ √ 素人改造3步驟!化身超正女孩非難事 ►http://bit.ly/2eNdwmL √ 瘦腿、塑腰、練翹臀!最多減肥資訊看這裡► http://bit.ly/2f7qFHW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ⊙ VOGUE Fb粉絲專頁:http://smarturl.it/qo9tkf ⊙ VOGUE 官網影音專區:http://www.vogue.com.tw/live/ ⊙ The Scene Fb粉絲專頁:http://smarturl.it/pdjxq0 ⊙ GQ 官網:http://www.gq.com.tw/ ⊙ GQ Fb粉絲專頁:http://smarturl.it/r9gauv ⊙ VOGUE Beauty美人會 Fb粉絲專頁:http://bit.ly/2hogSAs
爆表性感 煽情動感 首波推薦 超電舞曲「呼呼」 由金獎製作人阿弟仔老師操刀製作,錄音過程中, 安心亞首次在專輯中挑戰和聲,讓安心亞一唱上癮, 而歌曲中穿插的喘息聲更由安心亞親自害羞上陣, 阿弟仔老師一聽就驚艷滿意,繼「唯舞」、「Don't Cry」後, 安心亞的電音舞曲更上一層樓,超強記憶副歌,療癒指數破表, 停不下來,我們都還要『呼呼~呼呼~』; 舞蹈部分,更力邀舞王羅志祥御用編舞老師-大鈞, 為安心亞量身打造,性感指數急速高漲,不只讓安心亞展現舞藝, 更讓安心亞獨特的俏皮性感嶄露無遺, 另外大鈞老師更融入引人遐想和讓觀眾對號入座的舞蹈橋段, 讓每個觀眾都可身歷其境,受傷了,就讓安心亞幫你『呼呼』。 除此之外,歌詞由麻吉新人謝化凡出人意表寫出超傳神歌詞, 用現代版童話故事反諷當代已經不單純和複雜的愛情, 用超跑換真情,用物慾獻殷勤的扭曲現代愛情觀, 用嘲諷的口吻,點醒大家帶刺的公主最危險,小心就在你身邊! 呼呼 白雪公主就在那棟高樓大廈之中 紅色的超跑每天都來專程的接送 是誰送了七束鮮花讓她有了笑容 她拿給你的蘋果看來比火還要紅 (盲目) 是公主下的毒 她蓋著糖果屋 甜中又帶著苦 想哭 OH 她是誰的公主 OH 她是誰的幸福 OH 她是誰的孤獨 童話故事的 愛 常被現實反撲 愛 常有王子攔路 愛 常會讓人嫉妒 你受傷了 她幫你 呼呼 她幫你 呼呼 愛 哎 你受傷了 她幫你 呼呼 她幫你 呼呼 愛 哎 (你受傷了我幫你呼呼) 玫瑰公主不怕紡錘只怕沒有禮物 朋友們都是每天說她壞話的女巫 她送給你的親吻突然降到了零度 是公主下的劇毒 她蓋著糖果屋 甜中又帶著苦 想哭 來呼呼 來呼呼 她的秘密 沒告訴你 你難道不好奇 她的秘密 沒告訴你 你難道不好奇 來呼呼 OT:Oh La La 改編詞:謝化凡 ...
An exclusive clip of 311 performing "Amber" from Guitar Center Sessions presented by JBL with host Nic Harcourt. See an all-new episode on July 13th at 8pm on DIRECTV's AUDIENCE (channel 239). Order 311's New Album "Stereolithic": Amazon: http://amzn.to/1iOby5S iTunes: http://bit.ly/1oMxADh To see more Guitar Center Sessions exclusive clips, other episodes and behind the scenes visit: http://www.GuitarCenter.com/Sessions
Amber - Beautiful / SHAKE THAT BRASS ------------------------------------------------ Subscribe KBS World Official YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kbsworld ------------------------------------------------ KBS World is a TV channel for international audiences provided by KBS, the flagship public service broadcaster in Korea. Enjoy Korea's latest and most popular K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Entertainment & K-Documentary with multilingual subtitles, by subscribing KBS World official YouTube. ------------------------------------------------ 대한민국 대표 해외채널 KBS World를 유튜브에서 만나세요. KBS World는 전세계 시청자에게 재미있고 유익한 한류 콘텐츠를 영어 자막과 함께 제공하는 No.1 한류 채널입니다. KBS World 유튜브 채널을 구독하고 최신 드라마, K-Pop, 예능, 다큐멘터리 정보를 받아보세요. ------------------------------------------------ [Visit KBS World Official Pages] Homepage: http://www...
CR to MNET America BORDER'S FIRST STAGE! And that message at the end "All those out there fighting a battle out there, just know you can fight your way, just believe in yourself.", really touched me. Thank you so much Amber, you are such an inspiration.
This video was filmed at the Impericon Festival 2014. Stick To Your Guns merch is available at http://smarturl.it/STYG-merch Das Live Video wurde auf dem Impericon Festival IV 2014 aufgenommen. Stick To Your Guns Merch gibt es unter http://smarturl.it/STYG-merchGet the newest Stick To Your Guns Merch in the offial Shop http://smarturl.it/STYG-merch Hole dir das neueste Stick To Your Guns Merch im offiziellen Shop http://smarturl.it/STYG-merch
【韩简中字】 Amber/엠버- Beautiful 2015.2.26 @M Countdown 歌词来源:微博@FxDestiny
Amber & Ailee - Shake That Brass / Uptown Funk ------------------------------------------------ Subscribe KBS World Official YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kbsworld ------------------------------------------------ KBS World is a TV channel for international audiences provided by KBS, the flagship public service broadcaster in Korea. Enjoy Korea's latest and most popular K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Entertainment & K-Documentary with multilingual subtitles, by subscribing KBS World official YouTube. ------------------------------------------------ 대한민국 대표 해외채널 KBS World를 유튜브에서 만나세요. KBS World는 전세계 시청자에게 재미있고 유익한 한류 콘텐츠를 영어 자막과 함께 제공하는 No.1 한류 채널입니다. KBS World 유튜브 채널을 구독하고 최신 드라마, K-Pop, 예능, 다큐멘터리 정보를 받아보세요. ------------------------------------------------ [Visit KBS World Official Pages] Homepage: h...
트위터 안올라가서 화난 사람이 유투브에 올린다
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快訂閱必Po快點TV直播LIVE!更多「星」聞第一手知道喔~ ●必PoTV臉書粉絲團→ https://www.facebook.com/bepotv/ ●快點TV臉書粉絲團→https://www.facebook.com/ctitv.news/
Oh! Brother Special: Henry and Amber, Jinu and Sean, Kim Yeongcheol and Jung Seonghwa appear on the Oh! Brother Special. They spill their secrets and reminisce about the past and even auction off (among themselves) some special items that mean a lot to them. ------------------------------------------------ Subscribe KBS World Official YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kbsworld ------------------------------------------------ KBS World is a TV channel for international audiences provided by KBS, the flagship public service broadcaster in Korea. Enjoy Korea's latest and most popular K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Entertainment & K-Documentary with multilingual subtitles, by subscribing KBS World official YouTube. ------------------------------------------------ 대한민국 대표 해외채널 KBS World를 유튜브에서 만나세요. KBS Wor...
Carl der Transformier Truck ist ein Bau-Cartoon für Kinder. Der Transformer Carl ist ein fantastischer Lastwagen, der sich in jedes mögliche Fahrzeug verwandeln kann: Feuerwehrauto, Polizeiauto, Krankenwagen, Müllauto, Bus, alle Arten von Baustellenfahrzeuge wie eine Planierraupe, Traktor, Bagger, Monstertruck und alle Arten von Transportern, ja sogar in einen Zug! Dieser Cartoon für Kinder über Lastwagen ist ideal für Jungen und Mädchen, die sich für Autos interessieren. Abonnieren Sie für mehr Lastwagen Cartoons für Kinder: www.youtube.com/user/LouieGerman?sub_confirmation=1 Wenn du Rennwägen oder andere Lastwagen Cartoons für Kinder auf YouTube, dann werden Sie diesen neuen Lastwagen Cartoon für Kinder lieben! Schauen Sie die neusten Episoden der Tom der Abschleppwagen Cartoons ...
Amber Rose stops through to discuss her breakup with Wiz Khalifa, dating James Harden, her dislike for the Kardashian clan, her upcoming movie roles and much more. Click Here To Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/SubBreakfastClub All The Breakfast Club's Best Interviews ► http://bit.do/BestBreakfastClub The Breakfast Club Official Website ► http://www.breakfastclubonline.com
After we tortured Amber for our WTF, she - for some reason - sat down with us and shot another video, in which she talked about her latest album, her favourite song from the album, and why that song means so much to her. Subscribe for more Videos about Korea! ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=simonandmartina Read more about it on our blog: ☞ http://www.eatyourkimchi.com/our-interview-with-amber/ Check out our new WTF video with Amber, in which we feed her gross stuff! ☞ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dFiszhh_4E Excellent Blooper footage: ☞https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AP36laVpLc Download our new app! ☞ http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/eatyourkimchi-app/id934967067?mt=8 Check it out on Facebook: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/eykpage Chat with us on Twitter ☞ ht...
Discover Amber's beauty inside and out! American born and raised Taiwanese K-POP artist, Amber shares her story and latest album with her fans in Hallyu World’s exclusive Celebrity Interview. She has been part of the girl group f(x) since their debut in 2009 but only recently released her EP, ‘Beautiful’ earlier this year. Listen to her personal story about music, life and love. Amber shares back scene stories while filming as well as personally answering questions for her fans! 專訪 Amber_劉逸雲 엠버 傳遞美麗正能量! 最近韓國綜藝界的新星 f(x)成員 Amber, 她剛剛發行樂首張個人專輯《Beautiful》! Q:為什麼你以前不這樣唱歌呢? A: 說實話,我沒有機會,而且我自己也沒有準備好,你知道的......我不會隨便做什麼,除非我有信心做好..... Q: 你是在美國長大的台灣人,“ABC”,你的童年怎麼樣? A: 說實話.....我有一個非常美好的童年! Q:在“Beautiful”MV里,大家看到了 Amber的童年照片!這應該是你自己的真實故事? A: 其實,這是一首是我以前不想唱出來的歌曲,因為它顯示了我脆弱的一面...... Q: 在這過程中有沒有什麼有趣的...
100816 Amber-Interview at KCON LA Intagram: https://www.instagram.com/amberisbae0918/
I must admit that Amber Rose is hella hot here guys
Amber Rose is in the studio with Big Boy! She chats about her new book "How To Be A Bad Bitch". She also discusses her relationship with Wiz Khalifa, Machine Gun Kelly, and the now infamous drunken Kanye rant, plus more! --------- SUBSCRIBE: http://ow.ly/qlu31 OTHER VIDEOS : http://tinyurl.com/la6v9cb SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: Twitter-- http://ow.ly/qlu6b Facebook-- http://ow.ly/qlu7g Instagram-- http://ow.ly/qlu7W Big Boy TV is expanding the Neighborhood to give viewers YouTube-exclusive content: vlogs, pranks, celebrity interviews, phone taps, and more.
https://www.pathe.nl/film/20282/magic-mike-xxl The cast of Magic Mike XXL visited Amsterdam and our reporter Nafiesa had the privilege to speak with them. If you want to know more about Channing's favorite move (HINT: sleeping!), Joe Manganiello's water bending powers and Amber Heard having Channing all over her? Check the interview. Also featuring Jada Pinkett Smith, Adam Rodriguez and Matt Bomer. ================================================== PATHÉ KAN JE VOLGEN OP: Snapchat: http://snapchat.com/add/pathe Instagram: http://instagram.com/pathe Facebook: http://facebook.com/pathenl Twitter: http://twitter.com/pathe Website: http://www.pathe.nl