- published: 27 Jul 2011
- views: 46477
- author: istampiiez

THCOVER / Miss A - Goodbye baby & Bad girl Good girl by Power Danger SRN
THAI Cover Dance Miss A - Goodbye baby & Bad girl Good girl By Power Danger coverdance ban...
published: 27 Jul 2011
author: istampiiez
THCOVER / Miss A - Goodbye baby & Bad girl Good girl by Power Danger SRN
THAI Cover Dance Miss A - Goodbye baby & Bad girl Good girl By Power Danger coverdance band ; SRN Fei by Fam (แฟ้ม) Jia by Beam (บีม) Min by Koh (โก้) Suzy by Pan-am (แพนแอม)
- published: 27 Jul 2011
- views: 46477
- author: istampiiez

SRN Top Model Heike.
For more pictures and movies go to: www.simracingnetherlands.nl www.rzracing.tk www.simrac...
published: 02 Nov 2009
author: simracingnetherlands
SRN Top Model Heike.
For more pictures and movies go to: www.simracingnetherlands.nl www.rzracing.tk www.simracingnetherlands.hyves.nl www.youtube.com Do you want to promote your own picture ore movie? Send it to: simracingnetherlands@hotmail.com
- published: 02 Nov 2009
- views: 157526
- author: simracingnetherlands

Federal Signal 2001-SRN, Full Alert: Huntingburg, Indiana (Dubois Co. Tornado Siren Test, HD)
This is a monthly test of the Dubois County Emergency Siren System. Tests are usually cond...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: DSRX100
Federal Signal 2001-SRN, Full Alert: Huntingburg, Indiana (Dubois Co. Tornado Siren Test, HD)
This is a monthly test of the Dubois County Emergency Siren System. Tests are usually conducted the first day of each month at 4:00 EST, weather permitting. The background sirens (Model 7 & STH-10s) preform two minutes of attack while this siren and other 2001s in Huntingburg manage to stay on for another minute while sounding a steady, alert signal. This particular siren is located on N. Geiger St. There are also several older, Federal Signal sirens in the proximity that can also be heard. Although the 2001 sirens have replaced the older sirens, the older sirens are to be continually used as a backup in case the 2001 system fails. I would recommend using headphones to listen for the background sirens. This is one of several 2001 sirens in Dubois County which consists of mostly 2001-SRNs. However, this -SRN is very unusually high pitched. I am not sure why the pitch is so high but I do know all of Huntingburg's 2001-SRNs sound like this. Also if you go to 2:17 you can see that the rotator starts to "hang-up" and the siren sits still for a second. Dubois County, Indiana: Outdoor Warning Siren Map g.co South-Western Indiana Sirens (This is siren #7.21 on map) (Collaborated) g.co
- published: 02 Apr 2012
- views: 3103
- author: DSRX100

Federal Signal 2001-SRN - Macon, GA
This is one of Bibb County's many Federal 2001 outdoor warning sirens, sounding for the mo...
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: murrfarms
Federal Signal 2001-SRN - Macon, GA
This is one of Bibb County's many Federal 2001 outdoor warning sirens, sounding for the monthly test of the countywide siren system. The sirens sound a 1-2 minute alert signal for the test on the last Wednesday of the month at 11am sharp. This siren is located behind Macon-Bibb Fire Station #11, on Riverside Drive next to I-75. This is one of only two 2001-SRNs in the county that have battery backup (AC/DC version, runs on rectified AC until power is lost, then switches to a bank of 4 batteries), and one of four 2001s that have battery power in general.
- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 1292
- author: murrfarms

SRN VIDEO GTS6 フリースタイル編 高画質版
プロライダーのおがじゅんこと小川淳一郎がプロデュースするフリーライディングDVD 『GTS』シリーズ 第6作 GTS6のフリースタイル編のオープニングです。 参加ライダー松本佳之、...
published: 26 Oct 2011
author: ogawamoss
SRN VIDEO GTS6 フリースタイル編 高画質版
プロライダーのおがじゅんこと小川淳一郎がプロデュースするフリーライディングDVD 『GTS』シリーズ 第6作 GTS6のフリースタイル編のオープニングです。 参加ライダー松本佳之、菊田光司郎、根岸哲也、廣瀬智子、渡辺健太郎、丸木啓一郎、 杉下健二、渡会那央、阿部政一、奥山麻紀、諸橋綾子、黒木誠、青木克憲、 藤田直人、斉藤俊秀、谷麻衣子、高松華子、臼井裕二お求めは、プロショップ又は下記サイトへsrn.shop-pro.jp
- published: 26 Oct 2011
- views: 19388
- author: ogawamoss

SRN Top model Heike Prive.
For more pictures and movies go to: www.simracingnetherlands.nl www.rzracing.tk www.simrac...
published: 02 Nov 2009
author: simracingnetherlands
SRN Top model Heike Prive.
For more pictures and movies go to: www.simracingnetherlands.nl www.rzracing.tk www.simracingnetherlands.hyves.nl www.youtube.com Do you want to promote your own picture ore movie? Send it to: simracingnetherlands@hotmail.com
- published: 02 Nov 2009
- views: 313271
- author: simracingnetherlands

FontJung - SRN DrumLine เกมส์ 1000 หน้า - 26 ก.ย.2554 .avi
published: 28 Sep 2011
author: Khathar Ranglak
FontJung - SRN DrumLine เกมส์ 1000 หน้า - 26 ก.ย.2554 .avi
- published: 28 Sep 2011
- views: 16421
- author: Khathar Ranglak

Federal Signal 2001-SRN, Full Alert: Celestine, Indiana (Tornado Siren Test)
Monthly Siren Test. Be sure to watch end because I included close ups. I know I promised a...
published: 02 Jan 2012
author: DSRX100
Federal Signal 2001-SRN, Full Alert: Celestine, Indiana (Tornado Siren Test)
Monthly Siren Test. Be sure to watch end because I included close ups. I know I promised a full HD Video, but unfortunately my new camcorder won't come in until Thursday now :( This siren is located just off State Road 164 by the Celestine Vol. Fire Dept. I drove up to this siren because the other times I passed this siren by, the head would be in the same position, facing Celestine. I wondered if this siren's rotator was fixed or if it was once programmed not to rotate because this siren is on the edge of town and always faced the same way when I passed it previously. Oddly this siren preformed a three minute alert blast which is rare for a Dubois Co. Dispatch controlled siren to do. Normally any siren in Dubois County not part of the Jasper or Huntingburg system go off for two minutes. I actually thought they were going to test for 30 seconds because of high winds. Dubois County Siren Map (UPDATED AGAIN with more info): g.co
- published: 02 Jan 2012
- views: 1685
- author: DSRX100

Novi, MI Federal Signal 2001-SRN Tornado Siren Test April 18th, 2012
This is the Oakland County Severe Weather Awareness Week Tornado Drill. This siren is loca...
published: 18 Apr 2012
author: Siren1000T1
Novi, MI Federal Signal 2001-SRN Tornado Siren Test April 18th, 2012
This is the Oakland County Severe Weather Awareness Week Tornado Drill. This siren is located on Meadowbrook Rd near Walsh College in Novi, Michigan. maps.google.com s279.photobucket.com
- published: 18 Apr 2012
- views: 3810
- author: Siren1000T1

Federal Signal Corporation, STH*10 & 2001 SRN*B Steady (Alert) Signal
This is a test of both the STH*10 & the 2001 SRN*B in Steady (Alert) Signal. Before the 20...
published: 08 May 2009
author: DigitalEagleInc
Federal Signal Corporation, STH*10 & 2001 SRN*B Steady (Alert) Signal
This is a test of both the STH*10 & the 2001 SRN*B in Steady (Alert) Signal. Before the 2001's came into play, the STH*10 & an ACA Screamer were the towns Civil Defense Warning sirens. The ACA Screamer was taken down cause it caused the light pole it was mounted on to go out of alignment. Now the city decided that they needed a DC sirens to cover both the main part of the city & to warn those in the new housing development. They brought in Federal Signal who tested out several DC models of siren, originally it sounds like they were only gonna buy one but I guess they thought better & bought 2 2001 SRN*B's. The STH*10 is going to stay in active status as a Civil Defense siren & now since they really don't need it, they have one person who times about 1 minute & shuts it down.
- published: 08 May 2009
- views: 11799
- author: DigitalEagleInc

SRN-Sith Juggernaut PVP/Tank Build
A special Thank-you to both Rhaith and Unknown for their contributions, and for making me ...
published: 13 Feb 2012
author: SilentRisingsSWTOR
SRN-Sith Juggernaut PVP/Tank Build
A special Thank-you to both Rhaith and Unknown for their contributions, and for making me reanalyze my talent choice selections. Rhaith I understand your decision to go with a 2/2 in sonic barrier, I have honestly gone back and forth with it for awhile, I hope you enjoy my rationalization for my choice to go 1/2 in the video. Chilling scream is situational at best for me. I understand many could benefit from it in Hutt ball as a defense tactic, however I'm normally with the ball and have no need to slow my opposition :D Alright in all seriousness, I do agree there is a benefit from it, but I do believe points are better well spent elsewhere. Unknown Your primary build had me confused at times. While I understand and agree with your justification for talenting endure pain, I did not understand the points spend in accuracy beyond the 1 mandatory to gain access to the next tier, or the point spent in sweeping slash, unless it is merely to decrease the CD for endure pain. In my opinion Juggs have a lot of CD's to increase survivability especially if one considers biochem, trinkets/relics, and of course your friendly pocket healer. While the advantage of damage reduction and an increased health pool from talenting endure pain can't be denied, after consideration I still believe the most viable build for overall utility, the rated season and complete Hamtasticness to be that of skipping talenting endure pain, in place of more opportunities in the vengeance tree. Regardless of ...
- published: 13 Feb 2012
- views: 22151
- author: SilentRisingsSWTOR

SRN is happy to present a full walkthrough of the first Sith Empire Flashpoint the Black T...
published: 08 Dec 2011
author: SilentRisingsSWTOR
SRN is happy to present a full walkthrough of the first Sith Empire Flashpoint the Black Talon. This flashpoint was completed during the last beta, but should be beneficial with giving insight into the layout of the flashpoint, trash and boss mechanics. During the production, SRN will also be discussing the Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent class. SRN Website: www.silentrisings.com SRN Main channel: www.youtube.com Commentator: www.youtube.com Recruitment: Until the official release of SWTOR on 12.20.2011 SilentRisings is undergoing an open recruitment phase. Those interested please go to the below link create an account if you have not already done so and sign-up for the guild. BioWare has introduced this option to ensure during random server assignment for players those who desire to be in a guild are placed on the same server. Web link for recruitment: www.swtor.com Email for questions: admin@silentrisings.com
- published: 08 Dec 2011
- views: 2229
- author: SilentRisingsSWTOR

SRN-SWTOR-Sith Inquisitor-Introduction
SRN is happy to present the Sith Inquisitor character customization and creation options. ...
published: 19 Nov 2011
author: SilentRisingsSWTOR
SRN-SWTOR-Sith Inquisitor-Introduction
SRN is happy to present the Sith Inquisitor character customization and creation options. Lalaz54 is the commentator detailing the many unique options available during the creation process. SRN Website: www.silentrisings.com SRN Main channel: www.youtube.com Commentator: www.youtube.com Recruitment: Until the official release of SWTOR on 12.20.2011 SilentRisings is undergoing an open recruitment phase. Those interested please go to the below link create an account if you have not already done so and sign-up for the guild. BioWare has introduced this option to ensure during random server assignment for players those who desire to be in a guild are placed on the same server. Web link for recruitment: www.swtor.com Email for questions: admin@silentrisings.com
- published: 19 Nov 2011
- views: 2135
- author: SilentRisingsSWTOR
Vimeo results:

published: 03 Feb 2011
author: Pekka Korhonen

SRN Update 10-11
A little blurb from us about our past month of life and ministry....
published: 07 Oct 2011
author: SRN
SRN Update 10-11
A little blurb from us about our past month of life and ministry.

SRN Video Update 08-11
Our first video "newsletter" just talking about what's been going on in our lives and mini...
published: 09 Aug 2011
author: SRN
SRN Video Update 08-11
Our first video "newsletter" just talking about what's been going on in our lives and ministry lately.
Youtube results:

SRN WISAKA'53 วิสาขา สุรนารีวิทยา
การประกวดกองเชียร์ กรีฑาคณะ ปีการศึกษา 2553 ของนักเรียนคณะวิสาขา โรงเรียนสุรนารีวิทยา จังห...
published: 29 Nov 2010
author: istampiiez
SRN WISAKA'53 วิสาขา สุรนารีวิทยา
การประกวดกองเชียร์ กรีฑาคณะ ปีการศึกษา 2553 ของนักเรียนคณะวิสาขา โรงเรียนสุรนารีวิทยา จังหวัดนครราชสีมา คอนเซปต์ fast&furious;
- published: 29 Nov 2010
- views: 3739
- author: istampiiez

SRN-Top 3 of the Week-WK11
Description: We hope everyone enjoyed their the super bowl, while I personally find it har...
published: 05 Feb 2012
author: SilentRisings
SRN-Top 3 of the Week-WK11
Description: We hope everyone enjoyed their the super bowl, while I personally find it hard to cheer for either team, I was pleasantly surprised to see it be a close game going into the 4th quarter. We hope you enjoy the SilentRisings promo show, and desire to show your support to those featured. Guide for submissions: youtu.be Our website: www.silentrisings.com featured channels www.youtube.com www.youtube.com SRN Track Master, and producer director of "All the Way Live" which gives insight into the journey of creating music, and the inspirations musicians draw upon to develop it. www.youtube.com itunes.apple.com
- published: 05 Feb 2012
- views: 3608
- author: SilentRisings

SRN-SWTOR-Jedi Consular-The Esseles Flashpoint
SRN is happy to present a quick introduction to the Jedi Consular as they make their way t...
published: 20 Nov 2011
author: SilentRisingsSWTOR
SRN-SWTOR-Jedi Consular-The Esseles Flashpoint
SRN is happy to present a quick introduction to the Jedi Consular as they make their way through the Flashpoint the Esseles. A special thank-you to "Gabe4D" for this rare chance to view a class from the Republic side of SWTOR. SRN Website: www.silentrisings.com SRN Main channel: www.youtube.com Special thank-you to: www.youtube.com Recruitment: Until the official release of SWTOR on 12.20.2011 SilentRisings is undergoing an open recruitment phase. Those interested please go to the below link create an account if you have not already done so and sign-up for the guild. BioWare has introduced this option to ensure during random server assignment for players those who desire to be in a guild are placed on the same server. Web link for recruitment: www.swtor.com Email for questions: admin@silentrisings.com
- published: 20 Nov 2011
- views: 2380
- author: SilentRisingsSWTOR

SRN Top model Heike.
For more pictures and movies go to: www.simracingnetherlands.nl www.rzracing.tk www.simrac...
published: 14 Nov 2009
author: simracingnetherlands
SRN Top model Heike.
For more pictures and movies go to: www.simracingnetherlands.nl www.rzracing.tk www.simracingnetherlands.hyves.nl www.youtube.com Do you want to promote your own picture ore movie? Send it to: simracingnetherlands@hotmail.com
- published: 14 Nov 2009
- views: 45847
- author: simracingnetherlands