- published: 11 Aug 2017
- views: 288667
Xpander may refer to:
The Mitsubishi Group (三菱グループ, Mitsubishi Gurūpu) (also known as the Mitsubishi Group of Companies or Mitsubishi Companies) is a group of autonomous Japanese multinational companies covering a range of businesses which share the Mitsubishi brand, trademark, and legacy.
The Mitsubishi group of companies form a loose entity, the Mitsubishi Keiretsu, which is often referenced in Japanese and US media and official reports; in general these companies all descend from the zaibatsu of the same name. The top 25 companies are also members of the Mitsubishi Kin'yōkai, or "Friday Club", and meet monthly. The Mitsubishi.com Committee facilitate communication and access to the Mitsubishi brand through a portal web site.
The Mitsubishi company was established as a shipping firm by Yatarō Iwasaki (1834–1885) in 1870. In 1873, its name was changed to Mitsubishi Shokai. The name Mitsubishi (三菱) consists of two parts: "mitsu" meaning "three" and "hishi" (which becomes "bishi" under rendaku) meaning "water caltrop" (also called "water chestnut"), and hence "rhombus", which is reflected in the company's logo. It is also translated as "three diamonds".
In Depth is a three-hour program that airs monthly on C-SPAN 2 as part of their Book TV programming, and features a different writer each month. Each interview covers the breadth of that author's writing career, and incorporates viewer calls and e-mails. The show is typically broadcast live the first Sunday of each month. The first program was on February 6, 2000, and was a discussion with historian John Lukacs. For the first several years of the show, episodes were not produced during the summer months.
There have been a few exceptions to the practice of featuring one single author, as with the programs featuring the Strand Bookstore, Frank Williams and Edna Greene Medford's discussion of writings on Lincoln, and John K. Wilson and Jonathan Karp's discussions of the writings of Barack Obama and John McCain.
Sometimes, the profile will include taped footage of the author's own home or office, so as to give further perspective on how they approach the task of writing. On occasion (as with the programs with Shelby Foote and Harold Bloom) entire three-hour interviews have been conducted live at the home or office of the featured author.
Coordinates: 5°S 120°E / 5°S 120°E / -5; 120
Indonesia (i/ˌɪndəˈniːʒə/ IN-də-NEE-zhə or /ˌɪndoʊˈniːziə/ IN-doh-NEE-zee-ə; Indonesian: [ɪndonesia]), officially the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Republik Indonesia [rɛpublik ɪndonesia]), is a sovereign island country in Southeast Asia and Oceania. It is the largest island country in the world by the number of islands, with more than fourteen thousand islands. Indonesia has an estimated population of over 255 million people and is the world's fourth most populous country and the most populous Muslim-majority country. The world's most populous island of Java contains more than half of the country's population.
Indonesia's republican form of government includes an elected legislature and president. Indonesia has 34 provinces, of which five have Special Administrative status. Its capital city is Jakarta. The country shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and the Malaysian Borneo. Other neighbouring countries include Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, Palau, and the Indian territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Indonesia is a founding member of ASEAN and a member of the G-20 major economies. The Indonesian economy is the world's 16th largest by nominal GDP and the 8th largest by GDP at PPP.
Mitsubishi Xpander 2017 Indonesia | First Drive | OtoDriver
Mitsubishi Xpander Test Drive by AutonetMagz
Mitsubishi Xpander. Apakah layak dipasang Turbo?
Mitsubishi Xpander | First Drive Review | Auto Bild Indonesia
Rahasia Kenapa Pembeli Xpander Membeludak
In Depth Tour Mitsubishi Xpander Ultimate - Indonesia
In Depth Tour Mitsubishi Xpander Sport - Indonesia
Review & Drive #2 1st Drive Xpander (Review Modificator Version)
Mitsubishi Xpander first impression review supported by FirewoodFX
Sasha - Xpander
First Impression Mitsubishi Xpander Sport
Begini rasanya dalam kabin XPANDER, ngeri
Xpander Termurah Dapat Apa Saja I OTO.COM
Mitsubishi Xpander Isi 7 Orang Nanjak Gunung, Kuat Gak Yaa?
In Depth Tour Mitsubishi Xpander Exceed M/T - Indonesia
Mitsubishi Xpander Ultimate A/T, MPV Rasa SUV
2018 Mitsubishi Xpander - interior Exterior and Drive
Mitsubishi Xpander Test Tanjakan di Gunung Tangkuban Perahu
Mitsubishi Xpander 2017 Indonesia - 10 HAL yang Perlu Diketahui
Pabrik Mitsubishi Xpander Genjoot produksinya
Inilah impresi awal kami mengendarai Mitsubishi Xpander. Simak videonya. Pada video ini reviewer OtoDriver, Fitra Eri, melompat ke balik setir Mitsubishi Xpander Ultimate A/T, untuk melihat apa saja yang ditawarkan mobil ini dari berbagai sisi. Tentu saja bukan sekadar data brosur, tapi kami sampaikan pula impresi yang dirasakan. Silakan juga sambangi website kami, www.otodriver.com untuk berita terkini dan paling menarik seputar dunia otomotif. Di sana juga Anda bisa melihat review mobil-mobil terkini yang dilakukan oleh reviewer berpengalaman kami. Selain itu di www.OtoDriver.Com Anda juga dapat melakukan komparasi sendiri antar-merek mobil. Jangan lupa klik Like bila Anda menyukai video ini, juga isi Comment tentang mobil ini atau kritik untuk perbaikan kami ke depannya. Jangan lupa...
Di GIIAS 2017 kami mencoba test drive Mitsubishi Xpander untuk merasakan impresi pertama mengenai posisi mengemudi, rasa suspensi, tarikan mesin Xpander hingga duduk di bangku kedua & ketiga sambil jalan. Bagaimana hasilnya? Tonton langsung video review & test drive Mitsubishi Xpander yang dibawakan oleh test driver AutonetMagz, Ridwan Hanif
Mitsubishi Xpander Turbo, hmmm sebenarnya menarik. Namun itu belum tentu terjadi. Kami ingin banyak sekali dari anda yang meminta penturboan pada xpander terjadi. Mobil ini menurut kami merupakan mobil yang terasa lebih mahal dari harga sebenarnya. Harganya adalah sebagai berikut (per 19 Agustus 2017): - Ultimate A/T Rp 245.350.000 - Sport A/T Rp 237.150.000 - Exceed A/T Rp 224.950.000 - Exceed M/T Rp 214.550.000 - GLS M/T Rp 208.550.000 - GLX M/T Rp 189.050.000 External Videos : 1. Jackie's stunts with Mitsubishi Evo's by Lancerdriversunited https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftuOY8grdag 2. 2018 Mitsubishi Xpander by The Wheel Network https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7jLT6Z24nk 3. Front wheel drive, steering and suspension, 3d animation by Flat 3d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAHm...
Halo pemirsa Auto Bild Indonesia. Inilah video First Drive Review Mitsubishi Xpander. Mitsubishi Xpander merupakan Low MPV terbaru di Indonesia yang dihadirkan oleh PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia. Host/Tester Auto Bild Indonesia, Trybowo Laksono mengulas pengendaraan awalnya di Xpander bertipe Ultimate. Mitsubishi Xpander Ultimate merupakan versi Tertinggi dari semua Mitsubishi Xpander yang ada di Indonesia. Bagaimana ulasannya? Langsung saja tonton video review Mitsubishi Xpander First Drive dari Auto Bild Indonesia. Jika Anda menyukai video ini, tekan tanda jempol ke atas. Bila ingin mendapatkan notifikasi setiap ada video baru, tekan tombol Subscribe. Terima kasih. Auto Bild Indonesia Gedung Gramedia Majalah Lt. 7 Jl. Panjang No. 8A, Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat, Indo...
VIVA.co.id - Mitsubishi Xpander sepertinya sukses menjadi primadona di pameran otomotif Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) 2017. Baru beberapa hari melakoni debutnya, MPV bercita rasa SUV ini sudah dipesan lebih dari 1.000 unit. Data internal Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia (MMKSI) memperlihatkan, Xpander hingga kini sudah dipesan sebanyak 1.427 unit. Angka tersebut berdasarkan surat pemesanan kendaraan (SPK) dari Kamis 10 Agustus 2017 sampai Minggu malam, 13 Agustus 2017. ========================== Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vivacoid Twitter : https://twitter.com/VIVAcoid Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+VIVAcoid Saksikan video terbaru lainnya di sini http://goo.gl/IXT17
In Depth Tour Mitsubishi Xpander Ultimate - Indonesia
In Depth Tour Mitsubishi Xpander Sport - Indonesia
Review&Drive adalah salah satu playlist NMAA TV yang membahas mobil-mobil baru dengan angle khas NMAA, modifikasi. Pada edisi kedua kali ini NMAA membahas salah satu mobil yang sudah ditunggu-tunggu : Mitsubishi Xpander, direview oleh Andre Mulyadi (Founder dan CEO NMAA) bersama dengan spesialis interior mobil yang juga member NMAA : Edy Vertue. Follow Us !! NMAA Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nmaa.id/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nmaa.id/ Website : www.nmaa.co.id Email : nmaa@gmail.co.id Vertue Concept Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/vertueconcept/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Clevertue/ Website : http://www.vertueconcept.com Email : vertuecle@gmail.com Andre Mulyadi (CEO / Founder NMAA) Instagram : https://www.instagram....
Mitsubishi Xpander menjadi magnet di GIIAS 2017. Bagaimana tidak, sosok LMPV keluaran baru Mitsubishi Indonesia ini sangat ditunggu sejak setahun lalu ketika masih berupa konsep yang pertama kali muncul di GIIAS 2016. Dengan harga mulai 189 juta, apakah mobil ini layak menjadi pilihan dan sanggup melawan rivalnya di kelas low MPV? Simak langsung penjelasan detail mengenai fitur, kelebihan dan kekurangan Mitsubishi Xpander yang dibawakan oleh reviewer AutonetMagz, Hillarius Satrio dalam video review Xpander berikut ini. Supported by FirewoodFX www.firewoodfx.com AutonetMagz - Channel Review Otomotif terpercaya di Indonesia. Untuk informasi mengenai motor & mobil baru, follow dan like: - Twitter : http://twitter.com/AutonetMagz - Facebook : http://on.fb.me/144w2uA - Instagram : http://ins...
Full length version of ultimate trance classic "Xpander" from 1999
Tim Mobil123.com mendapatkan kesempatan untuk melakukan sesi test drive bersama dengan Mitsubishi Xpander varian Sporty. Test drive ini dilakukan di kawasan GIIAS 2017 yang berlokasi di ICE BSD. Meski sesi test drive ini tidak menempuh rute jauh, kami tetap dapat merasakan kelebihan Xpander. Penasaran? Saksikan video ini dan berikan komentarmu.
Hari ini 24/8, kita nyobain XPANDER ULTIMATE AT di Ciputra World Surabaya. Masuk ke dalam kabin XPANDER kami nyalakan mesin hanya dengan tekan tombol KOS (keyless operating sistem) First drive langsung takjub dengan halusnya suara mesin dan juga kedap suara. Kami coba jalan dimedan landai dan tarikan mesinpun bisa dirasakan penumpang belakang. Saat di tikungan-pun bantingan sangat minim bodyroll. Asli nyaman! Ketika ada track lurus, kita coba test speed dan hasilnya pun sangat memuaskan. Deru suara mesin saat kami coba tekan pedal gas secara penuh akan terdengar seperti mobil sport. Rem Xpander ini sangat aman dengan ABS, dan EBD. Informasi lanjut bisa akses. : http://www.mitsubishisurabaya.com P.S : - Yang udah nyobain XPANDER comment dunk..... - Yang belum nyobain jug...
http://bit.ly/2iEengf Mitsubishi Xpander sukses membuat heboh GIIAS 2017. Tatkala pabrikan lain hanya meluncurkan mobil mewah atau merilis varian terbatas, Mitsubishi Indonesia justru merilis spesies Low MPV. Kali ini kami ajak Anda menelisik varian termurah Xpander, GLX dengan harga Rp 189 jutaan. Official Website OTO.COM: https://www.oto.com Follow Instagram @theofficialoto Like Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheOfficialOto/
Kontroversi gerak depan dan gerak belakang terus berlangsung. Maklum, merek yang memulai kelas Low MPV memperkenalkan skema gerak belakang (Rear Wheel Drive-RWD) untuk produknya, Toyota Avanza dan Daihatsu Xenia. Penantang baru pun datang, Mitsubishi Xpander dengan berbagai keunggulan, namun mempercayakan gerak depan (Front Wheel Drive-FWD). Bagaimana performanya? (oto.com)
In Depth Tour Mitsubishi Xpander Exceed M/T - Indonesia
MItsubihsi Xpander cukup menarik perhatian para pecinta mobil MPV dan SUV. Secara konsep, XPander menggabungkan dua konsep mobil sport dan mobil keluarga. Mampu mengangkut banyak muatan, namun tetap sporty dalam gaya. MItsubishi Xpander dibekali mesin 1500 CC MIVEC DOHC 16 Valve menghasilkan tenaga maksimum 77 kw/6000 rpm dan torsi maksimum sebesar 141 Nm/4000 RPM. Harga Xpander Ultimate A/T dibandrol Rp 245,350.00. FOLLOW IG: @lisankyrana https://outoklik.blogspot.co.id/
Xpanded design Xpander’s design and features are based on many and long discussions with customers. “The Xpander actually was designed by our customers,” said Tsunehiro Kunimoto, Corporate Vice President, Design Division. “I simply turned their thoughts, needs and desires into shapes.” The 4,475 mm long Xpander blends stylish and roomy MPV lines with tough and dynamic SUV looks. The distinctive “Dynamic Shield” front design concept forms a continuum with the Outlander PHEV, the Pajero Sport, and the Eclipse Cross, and it is giving expression to the protection of passengers and pedestrians. Wide flared fenders add to the powerful SUV-inspired looks. The LED position lights are located high up in the engine hood side trim, not just for good looks, but also to make the car m...
Mitsubishi Xpander Test Tanjakan di Gunung Tangkuban Perahu
Setelah sangat lama Mitsubishi tak bermain di segmen Low MPV sejak Kuda-nya terakhir kali, kini pabrikan Tiga Berlian itu kembali coba terjun ke segmen berdarah ini dengan kontender total baru. Disebut Xpander, bukan Expander, bukan Ekspander, MPV dengan rentang harga Rp 189 jutaan hingga Rp 245 jutaan ini siap langsung bersaing dengan pemain mayor seperti Toyota Avanza, Honda Mobilio, Suzuki Ertiga dan Nissan Grand Livina. Apakah Mitsubishi dapat kembali bersinar? Simak 10 hal yang perlu kalian ketahui tentang Mitsubishi Xpander. Data Spesifikasi: Mesin: 4A91 Jumlah Silinder: 4, Segaris Teknologi Mesin: DOHC, MIVEC Kapasitas Mesin: 1.499 cc Tenaga Maksimum: 102 hp @ 6.000 rpm Torsi Maksimum: 141 Nm @ 4.000 rpm Layout Mesin: Mesin Depan Penggerak Roda Depan Transmisi: Otomatis 4-percepa...
dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen pabrik mitsubishi expander ngebut dala, produksi Xpander tes drive : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wahyWGfRoKE Komentar para celebrity Indonesia tentang Mitsubishi Xpander bisa cek disini https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrjJf5BE8n4 mitsubishi expander, mitsubishi expander 2017, mitsubishi expander indonesia, mitsubishi expander ncap, mitsubishi expander new 2017, mitsubishi expander next generation, mitsubishi expander test drive, mitsubishi expander ultimate, mitsubishi expander varian tertinggi, mitsubishi expander varian warna, mitsubishi expander versi produksi, mitsubishi expander vs, mitsubishi expander vs avanza, mitsubishi expander vs honda brv, mitsubishi expander vs mobilio, mitsubishi expander vs pajero, mitsubishi expander vs sienta, mitsub...
Te avisaram mas você fingiu não entender, agora é tarde pra tentar voltar atrás. A sua bandeira se tornou prisão, posso sentir o ódio em seu brasão. Não! Prefiro não! Quero lutar mas em outra direção. E se te deram esperança , e se tiraram seu emprego, te pediram pra esquecer. Você não quis se aprofundar, o verdadeiro motivo seu orgulho vai esconder. O grande pai vai te falar, sobre escórias vindas de outro lugar. A manipulação é o maior orgulho mais será em vão. Pois seu pano limpo com listras e estrelas me fez lembrar o Mickey mouse. Não vou cantar! Esse hino que você quer me obrigar. O mundo é um globo como uma nação, se chama humanidade e parece sofrer em vão. Sou um cidadão, quero igualdade e não ser o chefão.