  1. for 3 timer siden

    Attn Masses That Get News From MSM! Your Ignorance Feeds Their Power! Learn & Unlearn! !

  2. for 3 timer siden
  3. for 8 timer siden
  4. for 10 timer siden
    Svarer og

    2 many brave dedicated American soldiers died for Bush family

  5. for 11 timer siden

    The and it's underlying secret societies are a major hidden hand in the and global conspiracy.

  6. for 12 timer siden
    Svarer og

    We are not anti Semetic that's an old trick Jews always use we are Anti

  7. for 13 timer siden
  8. for 13 timer siden

    WHAT. A. CATCH! goes up & gets it for the game winning TD with 5 seconds to go!

  9. for 14 timer siden


  10. for 15 timer siden

    Hey, ! ! ! Please explain how the that did this enriches us!

  11. for 18 timer siden

    Notice &all his family embraced worst America hater -then bash best -Americans vote

  12. for 18 timer siden
  13. 4. nov.
  14. 31. okt.

    We can relax for a while your are safe for now , agenda to replace us all with is still abit away

  15. 29. okt.
  16. 28. okt.

    Enlil aka Jahve roasts children? nyone? Mikael Hagenbo Rickard...

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