25 April 2018

Facebook codifies its censorship regime

By Andre Damon, 25 April 2018

The social media monopoly made clear that it would not let users know their content is being blocked from distribution as “fake news” because such censorship is a “sensitive issue.”

Facebook CEO presents plans for mass censorship at Senate hearing

In Washington, Macron calls for renegotiation of nuclear deal with Iran

By Alex Lantier, 25 April 2018

Paris is joining Washington in telling Iran it must comply with US dictates or face the renewal of trade sanctions and the possibility of military attack.

Starting Washington visit, Macron pledges endless war in Syria

Macron and the democracy of class war

Democrats assure confirmation of CIA head as secretary of state

By Barry Grey, 25 April 2018

The Democratic Party staged a show of resistance while ensuring a sufficient number of “yes” votes to guarantee Pompeo’s installation.

Rise in interest rates sparks panic on Wall Street

By Trévon Austin, 25 April 2018

A rise in working-class militancy would send the inflated share values into a precipitous decline.

Thousands of Syrians buried in the rubble six months after US destruction of Raqqa

By Will Morrow, 25 April 2018

The same media and governments endlessly denouncing Syrian and Russian government atrocities ignore the US war crimes in Raqqa.

Saudi airstrike kills 33 at wedding in northern Yemen

Armenian prime minister resigns after mass protests

By Clara Weiss, 25 April 2018

Located in the oil-rich Caucasus, Armenia is mired in a deep political crisis that the pro-EU opposition is trying to exploit to advance its own agenda.

German military procure armed drones

By Gustav Kemper, 25 April 2018

Barely in office, the grand coalition is pushing ahead with its military upgrade plans. Eighteen major contracts should be awarded this year, each exceeding €25 million.

Germany: SPD elects Andrea Nahles as new party leader

By Peter Schwarz, 25 April 2018

Nahles takes over the leadership of a party moving sharply to the right and in a process of profound decline.

UK: May government declares against customs union as Brexit crisis intensifies

By Robert Stevens, 25 April 2018

Support for the customs union from a sizable cross-party faction is a stalking horse aimed at ensuring the UK remains in the Single Market and possibly reversing Brexit entirely.

US Border Patrol agent who shot teenager dead acquitted of murder

By Genevieve Leigh, 25 April 2018

Lonnie Swartz was found not guilty of second-degree murder for the slaying of an unarmed Mexican teenager through the border fence in 2012.

Black Lives Matter, ACLU stay lawsuits, promote Chicago police “reform”

By Jessica Goldstein and George Marlowe, 25 April 2018

The involvement of BLM in the CPD consent decree is intended to provide further cover for police and the political establishment while giving middle class activists a “piece of the action.”

Some unionized Alaska Air workers earn less than minimum wage

By our reporter, 25 April 2018

Workers who unload and load cargo planes start at a measly rate of only $11.74 per hour for work that is backbreaking and grueling and quite frequently done under adverse weather conditions.

Seychelles opposition alliance rejects India’s plans for military base

By Rohantha De Silva, 25 April 2018

India’s move to establish a military base in Seychelles is part of its drive for strategic dominance of the Indian Ocean.

Australian government imposes harsh financial burdens on immigrant families

By Max Newman, 25 April 2018

New migrants now have to pay more than double to bring family members to Australia.

New in Turkish

ABD'deki ve Avrupa'daki toplumsal eşitsizlik ve oligarşi

Eric London, 25 Nisan 2018

Dünya çapında büyük bir siyasi kutuplaşma yaşanıyor. Ayrıcalıklı konumunu kaybetmekten korkan tepedeki yüzde 10 sağa kayıyor. Alttaki yüzde 90 (dünya çapında milyarlarca işçi) oligarşiyle ve onun siyasi temsilcileriyle, devrimci sonuçları olan bir çatışmaya giriyor.

New in French

Au moins 10 personnes tuées dans une attaque à la voiture-bélier contre des piétons à Toronto

Keith Jones, 25 avril 2018

La police ne mentionne aucun motif, se limitant à déclarer que rien n’est exclu définitivement.

Le massacre de Gaza et la crise d’Israël à l’occasion de son 70ᵉ anniversaire

Bill Van Auken, 25 avril 2018

Le nombre de manifestants sans armes tués en Gaza par les tireurs d’élite de l’armée israélienne s’élève à au moins 40, plus 5000 blessés dont 1600 par balles.

Au début de sa visite à Washington, Macron promet une guerre sans fin en Syrie

Alex Lantier, 25 avril 2018

Malgré les tensions profondes et croissantes entre l’impérialisme américain et ses homologues européens, tous sont engagés dans une guerre qui s’intensifie.

Le gouvernement fédéral et les gouvernements des États américains font la guerre aux travailleurs et aux pauvres

Kate Randall, 25 avril 2018

Tandis que Trump et les conseils d’administration des entreprises célèbrent l’économie « en plein essor » et les réserves croissantes d’argent pour les super-riches, ils cherchent des moyens de vider ce qu’il restent du filet de sécurité sociale.

Le patronat canadien demande à Trudeau de réprimer l’opposition à l’oléoduc Trans Mountain

Keith Jones, 25 avril 2018

Les médias corporatistes exigent que Trudeau fasse tout en son pouvoir afin d’assurer la construction de l’oléoduc, incluant l’invocation de la loi sur les mesures d’urgence et le déploiement de l’armée.

New in Spanish

La masacre en Gaza y la crisis de Israel en su 70º aniversario

Por Bill Van Auken, 25 abril 2018

El número de manifestantes desarmados que han sido asesinados por francotiradores del ejército israelí, disparando hacia Gaza, ha aumentado a casi 40, mientras otros 5.000 han quedado heridos, 1.600 de ellos con municiones reales.

Las protestas crecen en Nicaragua después de que Ortega suspendiera recortes a pensiones

Por Andrea Lobo, 25 abril 2018

Cerca de 30 han fallecido, mientras que las protestas se expandieron el lunes pese a que el Gobierno anunciara que cancelaría temporalmente los recortes de pensiones.

New in German

Das Blutbad im Gazastreifen und die Krise Israels am 70. Jahrestag der Staatsgründung

Bill Van Auken, 25. April 2018

Die Zahl der unbewaffneten Demonstranten im Gazastreifen, die von Scharfschützen der israelischen Armee erschossen wurden, ist auf mindestens 40 angestiegen

Macron sagt unbegrenzten Krieg in Syrien zu

Alex Lantier, 25. April 2018

Ungeachtet ihrer zunehmenden Konflikte sind der US- Imperialismus und seine europäischen Pendants gemeinsam zu weiteren Kriegen entschlossen.

Bundeswehr schafft bewaffnete Drohnen an

Gustav Kemper, 25. April 2018

Kaum im Amt, treibt die Große Koalition ihre Aufrüstungspläne mit Hochdruck voran. 18 Großaufträge im Wert von jeweils mehr als 25 Millionen sollen noch in diesem Jahr vergeben werden.

New in Arabic

الولايات المتحدة وحلفائها الإمبرياليين شنوا غارات ضد سوريا

١٣ نيسان أبريل ٢٠١٨

يدين موقع الاشتراكية العالمية الغارات ضد سوريا التي نفذتها قوات الولايات المتحدة وفرنسا وبريطانيا ليل الجمعة.

New in Russian

Нет Третьей мировой войне! За построение социалистического антивоенного движения!

Заявление редакционной коллегии Мирового Социалистического Веб Сайта, 21 апреля 2018 г.

Нападение империалистических держав на Сирию — лишь прелюдия к более масштабным и кровавым конфликтам с Ираном, Россией и Китаем.

Other Languages


The teachers’ struggle spreads to Arizona and Colorado

25 April 2018

With the teachers’ struggle spreading, it is urgent that workers review the political lessons of the experience of educators in the first stage of this battle.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialist Equality Party

Oppose the Sri Lankan government’s ban on May Day celebrations

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 25 April 2018

The SEP calls on all workers, oppressed people, youth, students and intellectuals to join it in protesting against this blatant attack on the democratic rights of the working class.

Resolutions of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia) Fourth National Congress
The SEP and the Political Independence of the Working Class

20 April 2018


Four years on: Political lessons of the Flint water crisis

By James Brewer and Barry Grey, 25 April 2018

What above all has changed since the onset of the Flint water crisis is the emergence of a new upsurge of the working class.

The slaughter in Gaza and the crisis of Israel on its 70th anniversary

By Bill Van Auken, 24 April 2018

US federal, state governments wage war on workers and the poor

By Kate Randall, 24 April 2018

Social inequality and oligarchy in the US and Europe

US issues ultimatums to IMF on trade

By Nick Beams, 23 April 2018

Geoffrey Rush defamation case: Australian judge dismisses newspaper’s latest defence

By Richard Phillips, 23 April 2018

More on the sexual misconduct witch-hunt »

Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

SEP and IYSSE hold meeting on war, the class struggle and the fight against Internet censorship

By our reporter, 23 April 2018

Workers, students speak out against war, censorship and inequality at Detroit meeting

New Zealand: IYSSE and SEG meeting opposes Internet censorship

By our reporter, 24 April 2018

The CIA Democrats vs. Julian Assange

By Patrick Martin, 23 April 2018

For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists

23 January 2018

More on Internet censorship »

Arts Review

Interview with conductor William Barkhymer: “I think the world is just thankful we had Gershwin to compose Porgy and Bess

By Barry Grey, 25 April 2018

“For me, Porgy and Bess is about a community, the people, how they interact with each other, how they hold together in good times and bad times.”

The legacy of the Gershwins and Porgy and Bess
An interview with Marc George Gershwin and Michael Strunsky, nephews of George and Ira Gershwin

Final Portrait: Geoffrey Rush stars in affectionate film about Giacometti

By Richard Phillips, 24 April 2018

Chappaquiddick examines 1969 tragedy and political cover-up

By Patrick Martin, 21 April 2018

2018 San Francisco International Film Festival—Part 2
How are striking miners (Bisbee ’17), a great painter (Gauguin: Voyage to Tahiti), Native Americans (The Rider) and others treated by the filmmakers?

2018 San Francisco International Film Festival—Part 1
Contemporary life, and those who make films about it (in Iran, the US, Russia, Switzerland, Kyrgyzstan …)

The Grenfell Tower Fire

London residents speak out on Grenfell fire

By our reporters, 24 April 2018

Workers Struggles

Teachers stage protests in lead-up to Arizona, Colorado walkouts this week

By Will Morrow, 24 April 2018

Arizona teachers prepare for statewide strike

As Arizona, Colorado teachers prepare walkout
Oklahoma teachers warn: Don’t trust the unions

The betrayal of the Oklahoma strike and lessons for the next stage of the teachers’ revolt

More on US teachers »

After mass layoffs at Ohio plant, UAW gives GM greenlight to hire lower-paid temps

By Tim Rivers, 24 April 2018

SEP 2018 Election Campaign

Unite the working class against police killings!

By David Moore: SEP candidate for US Senate from California, 19 April 2018

Oppose California Democratic Governor Jerry Brown’s national guard deployment!
Statement of Socialist Equality Party Senate and Congressional candidates

By David Moore and Kevin Mitchell, 12 April 2018

SEP congressional candidates hold initial meetings in San Diego and Berkeley

By Evan Blake, 10 April 2018

New dates in Newark and Tracy
Public meetings in California: The Socialist Equality Party campaign in the 2018 midterm elections

Socialist Equality Party announces California candidates in midterm elections
Statement of the Socialist Equality Party

Mehring Books

Mehring Books publishes The CIA Democrats

7 April 2018

Mehring Books has published The CIA Democrats, a detailed exposure of the effective takeover of the 2018 Democratic Party congressional campaign by candidates drawn from the ranks of former intelligence agents, special forces operatives, veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and civilian national security operatives from the State Department, National Security Council and Pentagon.

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.

25 years ago: “Human rights” crusade for bombing of Serbs

On April 26, 1993, President Bill Clinton issued an order aligning the US with United Nations sanctions imposed on Yugoslavia.

More »

50 years ago: Students occupy buildings at Columbia University

On April 23, 1968, students began an occupation of Hamilton Hall at Columbia University in protest against the institution’s ties to a Vietnam War research firm, the Institute for Defense Analyses.

More »

75 years ago: British and US governments reject assistance for Jewish refugees

This week in April 1943, delegations representing the British and US governments met in Hamilton, Bermuda, to discuss the unprecedented refugee crisis stemming from the Nazi war of extermination against the European Jewish population.

More »


100 years ago: John Reed arrested amidst wave of repression in the US

On April 29, 1918, John “Jack” Reed was arraigned under the Espionage Act a day after he returned to the US from Russia where he had been witness to the October Revolution.

More »


Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.