A land futures market could make lot prices less expensive, Brian Haratsis says.

Three ways to cut house prices

The best way to combat the inexorable rise of housing prices is to restructure the land market. Here's how to do it without causing shockwaves in the market, says MacroPlan boss Brian Hartsis.

Henderson financial advice was 'risible'

An independent financial planner gave a client advice so poor that if followed it would have immediately triggered a $500,000 loss, the Hayne royal commission has heard.

Sundance doubles down on US oil

Sundance Energy has wrapped up its US shale acquisition, which should result in it doubling oil production within two years.

AMP chairman Catherine Brenner is under pressure to resign

AMP board faces investor revolt

The embattled board of AMP is facing an investor revolt at its shareholder meeting on May 10 with major super funds preparing to vote against the directors.

The 10-year yield climbed as high as 3.0014 per cent overnight - Tuesday in the US - before retreating to 2.99 per cent ...

US 10-year yield breaches 3pc

The 10-year US Treasury yield rose above 3 per cent for the first time since January 2014, in a signal that higher interest rates are ahead.

Oil slumps on Macron Iran proposal

Oil dropped to a one-week low after French President Emmanuel Macron proposed negotiating a new deal with Iran to contain its nuclear program.


The husband of one of Robert Doyle's alleged victims says justice has not been served.

'What occurred was egregious'

The Robert Doyle case shows the failure of organisations to resolve sexual harassment complaints when alleged perpetrator fails to answer to allegations.

Mortgage resets to add $7,000 a year

Repayments for a typical Australian facing a reset of their interest-only loan to interest-and-principal could jump by around $7000 a year, the RBA warns.

An investigator has been unable to reach a conclusion about claims of misconduct by former lord mayor Robert Doyle in ...

Doyle misconduct probe 'inconclusive'

An investigator has been unable to reach a conclusion about claims of misconduct by former lord mayor Robert Doyle in his role as Melbourne Health chairman.

Trump himself last year derided Kim as "Little Rocket Man" and said it is "hard to believe his people, and the military, ...

Trump calls Kim 'very honourable'

President Donald Trump complimented Kim Jong Un as "very honourable" so far and said he hopes to hold his summit with the North Korean leader "very soon".

Personal Finance

Jemma Green, chair of Power Ledger, is thrilled with the response to the company's ICO or initial coin offering

'Big power should embrace disruption'

Energy start-up Power Ledger has signed a deal to trial their peer-to-peer energy trading platform in Japan as it urged big power utilities to embrace disruption in the energy sector.