Palanca State Border Crossing Point, jointly administrated by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, is being built from the ground up with the support provided by the European Union. The facility shall be launched into operation by the end of 2018.
This year we celebrate 20 years of the Ukrainian National Human Rights Institution. In April 2008 the Parliament of Ukraine elected the first Ombudsperson. Over these 20 years the Ombudsperson Office managed to gain people’s trust and as a recent survey showed, Ukrainians ranked it the highest of all state bodies in terms of effectiveness. Only in 2017 more than 158,000 people have addressed the Ombudsperson Office, comparing to 29,500 in 2009.
UNDP, jointly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine, conducts training of police officers on how to work with persons belonging to HIV / AIDS key populations. The goal of the training is to increase tolerance, overcome stigma and discrimination, and ensure the rights of persons belonging to HIV / AIDS key populations.
This was ensured thanks to efficiency of international procurement of medicines. Saved budget money are used to procure additional medicines for children and adults with hemophilia.
The Ukrainian Government commits to align key commitments under the Open Government Partnership (OGP) with the Sustainable Development Goals. The fourth OGP Action Plan for Ukraine 2018-2020 is discussed today at the high-level event and is to be finalized by mid-September.
Providing a great knowledge sharing platform for anti-corruption advocates, the Anti-Corruption School, for the 4th year in a row, presents practical lessons learned about pitfalls and successes in fighting this scourge and equips local corruption fighters with necessary instruments to accelerate the pace of change in Ukrainian cities.

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